View Full Version : Really Fed Up

19-01-10, 15:51
This anxiety and depression is tiring me out, i feel like i just want to sleep most of the time so that i don't have to think about things :weep:

My doctor has increased my dosage of citalopram to 30mg from 20mg but i still haven't taken one yet, im to scared to in case i get side effects, im still unsure about how i am suppose to take the tablet too because i only have 20mg tablets and 10mg tablets, do i put both the tablets in my mouth at the same time or do i take one straight after the other?

19-01-10, 15:55

I was on citalopram for a few months and the side effects were minimal to be honest
i know they are different for each person but when they started working they really did help x

19-01-10, 16:13
I know where your coming from, motivation with this depression is really hard to build up. But i have took advice from others on here and it really helps! For instance the other night a friend or two on here advised i should go for a walk to help me sleep better, and it worked! But as you say building up the motivation to do anything really can be a problem, as you just feel worn out all the time. I suppose you just have to push yourself, which is quite hard to do isn't it.

19-01-10, 16:24
do i put both the tablets in my mouth at the same time or do i take one straight after the other?

Shouldn't matter either way as long as you take them both at the same time.

Apart from a bit of tiredness, you probably won't feel any other side effects.

Nothing to be scared about, really.