View Full Version : Ive made my decision! God im scared

19-01-10, 15:58
As some of u may know, ive really been struggling this weekend to come to terms with things after a break up, even though my brother is staying with me, i still feel alone and scared. ive had constant panic attacks since thursday. My doctor mentioned about a psyciatric hopsital, and ive decided to tell him i want to go. Im so scared about it!! But i cannot carry on the way i am. Ive got to see the docs at 5pm, and i cant stop staring at the clock!
I dont know how to keep in contact with u all, ive made some good friends this weekend, and im so scared about being alone in there. Im going to take my phone with me, not that anyone of my family or friends will text me!!
Im so scared!

19-01-10, 16:00
Good luck Kym

I will be thinking of you
be postitive that you are fighting this thing
you can beat it

good luck and let me know how you get on x

19-01-10, 16:04
Hi Kym,
Well i hope it goes well, if you need the help then that is the best place to be really, Good Luck from Wayne.

19-01-10, 16:15
Thanks guys, im really scared, cant feel my heart thumping, still got half hour to go before i leave grrr i hate waiting around!
I dunno how it works, so if i dont get chance to come back on here before i go in, then thanks to everyone for the help this weekend, and ill talk to u all soon xx

19-01-10, 16:29
Hi again Kym,
Please let me know how it goes, if you want to that is. I never know if that might be on my cards in the future, I really do hope it all goes well for you, Just think all it can do is help,
Good Luck and a big hug from Wayne,

19-01-10, 16:31
Oh and here is your big hug, hope it helps.:bighug1:From Wayne.

19-01-10, 16:34
Thanks, has made me smile for the first time all day!! Speak to u all soon xx

19-01-10, 16:49
Of coarse you will. Promise i will be thinking of you, Regards Wayne.

19-01-10, 17:11
thinking of you hun massive hugs and what a brave decision lots of luck and love and do keep us up to date how you are going xxx

claire m
19-01-10, 17:30
Kim i understand you are really nervous and scared but going into hospital can be a really positive experience. Since you will be likely going in as a voluntary patient you will have more control over your stay as in comparison to being sectioned (ive had both).
You may even be offered to have the optyion as a day patient.
but whatever happens i will be thinking of you and if you have any more question feel free to pm me anytime. xxx

19-01-10, 17:49
Just to give u all an update, gotta go to see a psycriatic nurse at half 6 at the hospital tonight......

19-01-10, 18:40
~Brave,so brave :hugs:~

19-01-10, 19:40
Hi Kym,
I hope it is going alright for you, you are brave, it's not an easy step you have taken, regards Wayne.

claire m
19-01-10, 20:41
thinking of you kym, remember we are here for you whatever the outcome xx.

19-01-10, 20:57
Good luck and it was a voluntary decision wasn't it hun ... thinking of you x

19-01-10, 21:56
wow kym so so brave been thinking of you this evening hun. if you want to chat pm me anytime xxx

19-01-10, 22:09
All the best Kym - I think you are being very brave in allowing yourself to be helped to get better. Good luck.

20-01-10, 11:01
Good Luck :hugs: You are really brave, i hope it helps xx

20-01-10, 11:03
you will be fine ,, maybe this will give you the chance to get better love maggie

20-01-10, 11:21
Hiya guys, i wasnt admitted, i was sent home. But on a good note, ive been referred to the crises team, who come visit me every day, twice a day if needed, and help me come to terms with things, overcome fears and even have doctors visiting me!

20-01-10, 19:03
good for you kym xxx