View Full Version : Cholesterol upsetting me

19-01-10, 19:48
Hi everyone again quick post well ive been told that i have a genetic problem with my cholesterol my body produces to much LDL the bad stuff and it doesnt produce enough HDL the good stuff , ive also been told that i have slight furring of the arteries and that i am going to have to start to take Simvastatin. Im 37 years old and weigh 17 st 5ib i was nearly 19 stone last july so im losing it im only 5ft 10 so im overweight a lot acording to GP, well last night was bad i was talking to my mum on the phone and it all came out alll i can think about is thats it im just going to have to wait to have a heart attack and die cause of my cholesterol i feel that im now an old man waiting to DIE im to scared to take the Simvastatin , im to scared to exercise i dont know what to do and im scared that if i do lose the weight and take that tablets that i will still have a heart attack.
I dont know if any poerson has had high cholesterol and not had a heart attack and lived to an old age please advice or encouragement would help im so scared and confused.

19-01-10, 19:57
My father is 79 and takes simvastatin for high cholesterol. My mum is 76 and also takes simv. My husband and I are both on simv for high cholesterol and we all just take the tablet and forget about it. You are actually having a chance to lower your cholesterol before it becomes a problem. Some people don't get the chance to know their cholesterol is too high. From the exercise point of view, gentle exercise to begin with is actually great for the heart and lowering cholesterol. Walking or swimming is great for the heart and the mind. Please try not to worry - we're not all one foot in the grave:):yesyes: Oh, and you've done well so far in losing weight, be proud of yourself.

19-01-10, 21:03
Oh - LOADS of people have high cholesterol and live to an old age. Loads and loads and loads. In fact, there is a large contingent in the scientific community who are beginning to feel that cholesterol is nowhere near as big a risk factor for heart disease as previously thought - and that most people who die of heart attacks are not found to have high levels.

Having said that, it is vital for your health that you keep on losing weight. 37 is still young so there's bags of time to shake off any nasties. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll be just fine :)

19-01-10, 21:07
thnx for both of your replys just seems of not done nothing with my life yet and thing its allready over =(

19-01-10, 21:13
As long as you get exercise and try to keep your weight and anxiety levels low, I don't see why you should be worrying about heart attacks and not living a normal life expectancy. I posted to another of your threads about "furring of the arteries" where I said that after the age of about 30 it's very common for this to occur, and as Myra said, with preventative measures like statins your LDL cholesterol can be controlled effectively (obviously combined with sensible eating too).

Also, look to get your anxiety under control because you don't want to spend the rest of your life being tormented about heart attacks. You've done well to lose weight. You can also beat all your anxieties and lead a long life.

Vanilla Sky
19-01-10, 21:34
Take the Simvostatin it will reduce your cholesterol within a few weeks. Mine was 7.6 a month later it was 5, I have yet to have another one but i bet its way down and i have stopped worrying about it now. I was scared to take the tablets, i even posted on here the first time i took it lol , It will help you so take it !

20-01-10, 00:23
Don't be discouraged , i highly recommend supplementing vitamin c to just below your bowel intolerance, also supplement l lysine 5 grams a day, coenzyme q10 300 mg's , and 500 mg of magnesium.

Heart attacks mainly occur from buildup of plaque( lipoproteins) caused when the body tries to repair small lesions and cracks in the vessel walls. The reason for these cracks is insufficient collagen for maintenance and repair. Vitamin C is essential for collagen production, 99% of animals synthesize their own vitamin c, from 2- 20 grams daily based on body weight. At around 70 kilograms you should be taking 10 - 12 grams daily , or more if your body needs it. Lysine inhibits the binding of lipoproteins to the arteries, and this amino acid mixed with vitamin c in high doses , can reverse artherioschlerosis, angina, hypertension and Cardiovascular disease in general. In animals Cardiovascular disease in the form of heart attacks, and artherioschlerosis doesn't occur. This largely has to do with the fact they do not create lipoproteins , and they also synthesize the vitamin c that they need daily keeping their arteries clear of buildup.