View Full Version : Can't breathe

19-01-10, 20:02
For sevaral weeks I have been fighting to breathe. I seem to be out of breathe doing little things or not doing anything at all. My upper back is tight, I feel pain right next to my left shoulder blade when I inhale and my chest feels like someone is sitting on me. I am terrified that it is a tumor a heart disease. This morning I got myself so worked up at work that I felt like I was going to passout or collapse right in the middle to talking to a co-worker. I know these are symptoms of anxiety but I can't shake them. Things are no longer fun for me. I seem to have lost myself in this disease. Can anybody help me out with this? It is like I am drowning and some days I don't want to be saved.

19-01-10, 20:21
hi mate i have the same symptoms as you i feel theirs something wrong with my breathing but i cant tell you what lol iv had ECG lung function test been on treadmill they found nowt wrong so most days i get this and it starts my anxiety off i don't get pain as such just a strange breathing thing then and sometimes if im in bed and get it i go red hot i think that's my panic trying to kick in

19-01-10, 20:59
The thing to remember here is that you ARE breathing. People who can't breathe literally can't breathe, if that makes sense! You'd be turning blue, and someone would be calling an ambulance for you if this really is the case.

The thing to do is see your GP, and get him or her to listen to your chest while you're feeling like this. This will reassure you that no matter how much you feel you are struggling, you are in fact breathing properly.

The feeling you describe is common to nearly all of us HA sufferers. Time and experience can help. I still feel like this sometimes, but I'm able to recognise what it is so I don't enter full-blown panic anymore.

The tightness is your back is tension, hon. The moment you stop worrying, it will all stop.

Sending you good wishes - I know how hard this is :) xxx

19-01-10, 20:59
I had this symptom again after many years and it did shock me again. It's a horrible feeling, but is absolutely nothing to do with your lungs. It's your chest muscles that are tensed. You will ALWAYS get enough breath. Taking timed, slow breaths can help. If you feel that you just cannot cope with it then a very short course of low dose diazepam from your gp, for maximum of a week, can help tremendously with this. It will just go as quick as it started.

19-01-10, 21:37
Sit in a relaxed position, slightly reclined on an easy chair.

Close your eyes, rest a hand on the area of abdomen just below your ribs.

Breathe deeply inwards, feeling your hand rise and breathe out as slowly as you can feeling your chest fall.

Keep your facial muscles loose and your body relaxed.

Really really concentrate as hard as you can on the thought that your lungs are filling, visualise that fresh air pushing your hand up.

Try to keep a nice regular timing to the breathing in and out, slowly and steadily.

This will take some practice, and it might be hard for you to release your mind from wandering onto your fears, but it could help you retrain yourself into breathing deeply from the diaphragm, rather than the shallow breathing that makes you anxious and feel breathless.

(Just to add, I am presuming that you haven't developed a cough or any other symptoms ? - that could indicate a chest infection/pleurisy)

19-01-10, 22:40
Thanks to everyone who has posted. I "know" this is anxiety but I can't get the rest of my mind to believe me. It is not helping that I am having recurring pain in my hands and feet that feel live nerve pain. This just stinks but I am beyond words grateful to every of you.