View Full Version : Are they taking their grief out on us?

19-01-10, 20:12
Hello there
My friend died last year from an inherited disease, she was only in her late twenties. Her mum and sister ignored me and my friends at the funeral, and since then her sister has sent lots of nasty emails to us saying that we weren't there enough for her sister and that she had wanted to say something about it for years.
This has been a complete shock to us all, as I always thought they liked us, we had been up to see our friend at home her mum always spoke to us, and I would never have guessed how they felt about us.
We visited our friend in hospital and were always in touch by text. But apparently she told the social worker that her friends weren't there for her. But - we all work and we couldn't be there everyday.
I feel that we have been good friends to her over the years and that we did our best, but that doesn't seem enough for her sister & mum.
We hoped that we could keep in touch with her family and give some support, but that’s obviously not going to happen now.
I am a very anxious person anyway and this whole situation is just playing over and over in my mind.
I keep thinking what if they do something to harm us. As one of her emails said she wishes it was us who had died and not her sister. I am terrified of bumping into them when I go out, I am very very anxious about the way they feel towards us.
My other friends just say to forget about it because we have done nothing wrong, and that its not worth wasting time over.
Are her mum and sister taking their grief out on us? Has anyone been in the same situation? Can you offer any advice.
It has been 5 months since the emails from her sister, should we just keep quiet now or do I get in touch to let them know that we are still thinking about them?
Thanks for taking the time to read this.

19-01-10, 20:25
Hi Hope

What an awful situation to be in.

It honestly sounds to me like the family are partially taking out their grief on you, especially as nothing was said to you when you visited the family at home.
The obvious thing to do would be to ket it go and try and put it to the back of your mind but I can imagine that would be a very difficult thing for you to do.
I'm also an anxiety sufferer but I would rather clear the air than have uncomfortable situations hanging over me, that always causes me untold stress.

I would suggest writing or emailing, more or less saying what you have said in your post here. That you honestly did try your best, that you are hurt by the accusations and that you wanted to be able to support the family if at all possible.

I would make it clear that the whole matter is preying heavily on your mind and you would like to resolve it one way or another, then I think you need to sit back and wait for a reply.

If it is a negative response, then I suggest a last contact stating that you will now respect their wishes and not get in touch at all.

It might not be what you are hoping for but at least then you will have some closure.

I hope it works out for you :flowers:

Vanilla Sky
19-01-10, 21:27
Another point of view would be , perhaps they themselves feel as if they didnt do enough ? So therefore they could be " passing the buck " on to you to of load the guilt from themselves. Or they could be just transferring their grief on to you, people can do and say strange things when they are grieving hun so i would not take any of it on board , you know yourself that you were there for her.
I agree with Ladybird , if you do get in touch , let them know that it is preying on your mind and if you do get a negitive response then leave it there and move on
Good luck Paige x

19-01-10, 22:02
Hi Ladybird, & Paige
Thank you both for your replies and help with this.
It really has been a terrible situation to be in. I've know my friend for 20+ years, she never really wanted to talk about her illness, we didn't push her to talk about it because guessed she just wanted some normality when she was out with her friends.
Maybe we didn't fully understand what she was going through, but surely that doesn't make us bad people. I just wish her mum and sister could see that.
I understand that they are grieving and in time i hope that will ease a bit and they will see sense regarding this situation.
Thanks for your kind advice.