View Full Version : Breathing problems

03-02-04, 09:35
Hi all,
I constantly have these horrible brething problems. I know it's the anxiety but i can't seem to stop these very short breathes that i take, I use my breathing excercises but the short choppy breaths don't always stop which makes me even more anxious! Any suggestions???

03-02-04, 12:11
Hiya Christie,

Can you try and distract yourself instead of concentrating on the breathing. I've seen me walking through the car park thinking oh my god I can't breathe but telling myself I wouldn't be walking if I couldn't. Breathing exercises etc are great but maybe you are focusing too much on your breathing, try something else.

Let us know how you get on


03-02-04, 14:02
Hi Christie,

Another way is to hold your breath for a few seconds both on an in breath and holding on an out breath. This allows good gaseous exchange and prevents lightheadedness.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

03-02-04, 19:50
Hi Brownie

It is quite common and I sometimes feel as though I am gasping for breath.

Have you tried a paper bag when you feel like this - should regulate the breathing a bit.


05-02-04, 20:03
i use a paper bag when i have breathi probs but i get really dizzy and my pa gets worse

29-02-04, 07:43
Hi Everyone,

I have been anxiety symptom free for about a month now but the last couple of months have introduced a new symptom.

I just tried going to bed a few minutes ago and I have this experience where I feel like I can't breathe which then ends up resulting in my heart "skipping a beat". This symptom has never come to me before and it slightly worries me. I've already been checked out by an MD in the recent past and everything is okay with me. Additionally, I'm taking measures to alleviate my stress and anxiety through my diet, exercise, and therapy. However, I'm not sure how to cope with this new symptom as it is new. I don't want to fall back into the mode of having full blown panic attacks because I have come so far. I don't know if anyone has any suggestions on how to cope with the symptom of having trouble breathing as I haven't had much of this problem before.



29-02-04, 08:47
It sounds like heart palpatations, and it might be caused by breathing although it could also be stress or caffeine bringing it on. As stated above, distraction is a good way to stop focusing on breathing, but also forcing deep breaths (perhaps at an open window, get that fresh air in the lungs!) will regulate the rythym.
