View Full Version : Blood in Stools

19-01-10, 20:15
Hey everyone, i dont think i have ever felt as bad with my anxiety as i am feeling now.

Started the middle of November noticing bits of blood in my stools, my stools were normal colour but seemed alot more i suppose bumpy and more small ones. I saw the doctor who did a rectal exam and checked my stomach, he said he could not find anything wrong, except i had thread worm which i had treated.

Was still having the same problem so went back to see my doctor last week, he has now referred me to see a specialist on 10th Feb to get it checked out.

Since then i have been in a right state, i have been crying alot, had palpertations, i am also getting alot discomfort in my stomach and feel constipated alot, my stomach seems more noisy than usual just after i have eaten, just cant concentrate, i have been on the internet reading about bowel cancer and i am convinced i must have it because of my symptoms, i am worried i have it and because i have symptoms it has now spread. Really need some advice, i dont know what to do.

20-01-10, 00:49
I had a very similar problem had bloody stools for months . At first i thought it was just a fissure or some roids. After a while i started displaying symptoms of IBS , with blood added. I got 2 rectal exams had an appointment for a specialist, but then i started to not think about it , and i started increasing cetrtain supplements and it went away. I was convinced i had Ulcerative colitis , because it was sometimes thick coagulated blood , and sometimes maroon colored. These are classic symptoms of Ulcerative colitis, but now i have no such symptoms. I recommend making some dietary changes and taking proper supplementation , also a probiotic can help quite a bit. Acidiofilus and bifidus is a good choice ... yogurt only has friendly bacteria that sticks around for a minimal amount of time . Acidofilus can repopulate your intestine. Also take vitamin c ... 5 grams a day atleast.

If you have gotten a blood test , and it comes back good ; then see if some diet changes supplements , and relaxing won't help.

My guess is IBS , with a fissure or roid , from the constipation.

21-01-10, 13:02
hi what did the specialist say your problem was then did he say it was ibs that was causing the bleeding or your diet because i sometimes bleed and i have ibs and have had a clear colonoscopy so the specialist put it down to internal piles but didnt see any at the time.

22-01-10, 22:25
Thanks for the replies, because of how bad my anxiety was i phoned the doctors and had a phone consultation with a doctor, she was really nice and went through my symptoms with me, she said the only reason i have been reffered is because they are sure i have haemorroids which are quite high up which is why the doctor found nothing, also said that more than likely have been caused due to me being constipated due to a high protein diet i am on at the moment to try and lose weight.