View Full Version : Does anybody suffer from a sore armpit?

19-01-10, 20:27

Does anybody suffer from a sore armpit?

For the past week, my left armpit has been uncomfortable, feels like it’s aching or sore. I have had this in the past but it only tended to last for a day or so.

I’m going through a bad period at the moment, just had an ultrasound of my liver and having a sigmoidoscopy this Friday for my bowel changes, so things are totally on my mind at the moment, specialist thinks I might have a fatty liver and IBS etc.

I have had three blood tests of late, one in August, and another in November and the hospital did one in December (not heard anything yet).

Can anxiety cause your armpits to feel sore or ache?

I would go and see my doctor but I wanted to try and keep away, at least until I have had all my other tests done for other symptoms etc?

Obviously, I’m worrying of cancer running through the glands etc?


Vanilla Sky
19-01-10, 21:17
I have had this , I still get it , mine feels like a shooting pain under my arm and sometimes it just feels constantly sore . Spoke to my GP about it and she said it was muscular . That would make sense to me, but like i always say is... why is it always the left arm???? I dont think i would worry if it was the right... well i probably would think it was something sinister but it does make you think.... Go see your doc once you have all your results back, it will put your mind at rest and you wont panic so much when you do get pains ...... Paige x

20-01-10, 00:58
OMG does this sound like me -- " why can't it be the right arm" why cant it be the right side LOL

I say that all the time ... it's always the left side -- grrr

20-01-10, 04:29
I get this too under my left arm.

20-01-10, 09:06
Totally agree - why can't the pains be on the right side!!!!

I get this pain alot.

Are you female? If so, it could be hormonal, I tend to get the pain around that time of the month.


22-01-10, 16:07
I had this a couple of months ago (mostly under left arm, though also a tiny bit under the right). Then it went away. Now its back. Feels kind of like a burning sensation. Rationally, I know its nothing I should worry about. I cant feel any swelling or lumps, etc. In fact, it feels kind of muscular (I'm male, FWIW).

To be honest I think it can be stress / anxiety related, but thats just an opinion. I guess if my pain doesn't go in a week or so I'll probably mention it to the doctor.

28-01-10, 06:45
I'm female --- Could it be hormonal, sure! It goes away and comes back again. All tests i've had, says nothing heart related..

I honestly think it's hunching over the computer and not sitting properly.
Then stress, thinking it's something it's not, brings it on more! and it's intense!:whistles:

28-01-10, 15:33
I get a sore left armpit ALL the time..and then it just goes..then it moves round down my arm to my whoulder blade but it's primarily under my armpit..It does get worse when I am due or on my period..It's sore just now as I'm coming off my monthly monster and I ams tressed just now.. :( Please not worry xx

29-01-10, 20:44
My armpits get sore, and of course my mind jumps to cancer along the axillary nodes. Two biggest causes for me? Strenuous physical activity impacting my lats or biceps, and, wearing shirts with a pronounced arm-shoulder seam that lines up under my armpit. No joke...

29-01-10, 21:11
I have this too, but it's not exactly in the armpit. It's a little closer to my ribs. For the females, it could be irritation from your bra causing the muscles to be irritated.

As for the fatty liver. I have that too. My nephrologist said it's normal as we age and nothing to be concerned about.

04-06-10, 20:55
Hi, i have that too, on my right armpit. I´m right handed, amd i "try" to relate that with the fact that i move the computer mouse with my right hand, putting some tension on right side harmpit. What do you think?