View Full Version : Does ANYONE feel the same?

19-01-10, 21:48
Hello, I'm new on here...was given the link from a counsellor. I have been suffering from intolerable anxiety for the past 9 months. It's like I convince myself I've done bad things, and need constant reassurance that I haven't. I believe I've done things and these seeds of doubt get into my mind about something and it's like they grow and grow and it feels like I've got a big grey cloud above my head. I don't know if anyone else feels like this. I need like constant reassurance I've not done anything wrong. It really is making my life a misery, and I feel like I'm the only person in the world like this :(

19-01-10, 23:06
Hi amy...i myself havent suffered from this...but have heard of this type of obsessive thinking...have you tried ocd-uk...they have a forum too and maybe could help.

i wish you the best.


20-01-10, 00:23
Hey Amy i feel like that a lot. i feel like i need someone to tell me its going ot be ok. my poor boyfriend usually thats gets focused on him. but it really will be okay. sometimes when i cant stop obcessing over whatever it is that day i just have to repeat to myself it will be okay over and over so i dont have room to think about what i've done wrong or bad. so remember it will be okay. :)

20-01-10, 03:21
Like alot of us here, it sounds as though you're a natural worrier. This is created by lack of confidence which leads to self-doubt which is why you need constant reassurance because you have no self-belief.

Your mind therefore analyses every worry in depth to seek reassurance from within yourself but when you can't find it, the anxiety builds until it takes over.

There are a couple of things that may help you to re-gain enjoyment in life...

When you get these worries, learn to nip them in the bud. Just like picking up a plate of food that you're unsure of, put it in the bin and learn to "forget and ignore" it because there's Nothing you can do about food that's already been prepared and cooked. All you can do is "resist" eating it to avoid making yourself feel ill.

Don't dwell on it. Don't analyse what's in it or the ways the food "could" cause you a tummy upset because sitting looking at it will only make you feel ill. You won't find reassurance by analysing it.

Say to yourself one of 2 things - if you prepared the food, remind yourself how "conscienscous" you are so you could never cook anything that could cause harm to yourself OR others so there is No logical reason to analyse it.

If someone else prepared the food and you've eaten it, what has been eaten has gone so it cannot be changed by analysing it. Therefore, it's pointless to attempt worrying about it.

Either way, worry, dwelling and analysing a worry will make you ill and NOT the event itself, therefore, nip worries in the bud by not looking back, wipe the slate clean and keep moving forward.

You will not find happiness by constantly delving in the past but if you can forget the past and Only focus on today and the future, you'll find happiness again. You just need to train yourself how to avoid dwelling by constantly moving on to other things to take your mind off pointless worries.:hugs:

20-01-10, 09:16
Thanks for all your replies, I really thought I was alone...but it's so reassuring to know I'm not the only one who feels like this :) xxx

20-01-10, 23:35
wow. I feel the same way. I had really crazy dreams a while back that were very vivid and I had a dream a cpl days ago that reminded me of them. Well now i get constant panic over these images. They are very vague yet I they scare me because they are horrid thoughts. My fear is what if i did these things and forgot. lol but its so stupid. but the fear comes so fast i cant control it. after i calm down i realize how dumb my fears are.