View Full Version : High BP

22-12-05, 03:10
About a 3 months ago every time I went to the Dr. my BP was very high average 170/110.
Than about a month ago he gave me a home BP machine to take home and montoir it at home for a month. We all my readings WERE totally and completely normal. Highest reading I got 1 day was 135/82. My pulse was fine also.
Well today I went back to the Dr and my BP was 140/95 when the nurse took it. Now before I went to the Dr. I took my bp and it was 109/73 (wonderful) anyway when the Dr came in and looked over all my reading for the month I wrote down he was very pleased. Cuz he really didn't wanna put me on bp meds at such a young age.
Well he took my bp and it was 160/96....GESH!!!!
He told me so many people we "white coat" high bp and was happy that everything was normal for the month I took it.
So he said he will keep an eye on it and hopefully it will come down at his office in time.

Now here I am thinking that the home bp machine he gave me wasn't working right and I really DO have high bp. My hubby tried to assure me if I did have HIGH bp the machine at home would have shown it at one time or another.
Does anyone else get high bp when at the Dr? And if so what does your Dr. do about it? Any meds?

Thanks :)


22-12-05, 10:42
HI terri

Sounds like white coat syndrome to me, while these machines are not always completely accurate due to the fact that they can overheat slightly if used continously (normally in the hospital set up), but the way you will have been using yours at home will have been ok and your husband is right, supposeing the machine was faulty at times which is unlikely as they should be serviced regularly, it would still have shown up the odd high reading if your bp was high. White coat syndrome is very common,my father suffers from it, so i check his bp once a month he writes it in a little book and visits the gp 6 monthly,the gp is quite happy with this and so is my Dad. Your gp sounds as if he was quite happy to take the word of the machine so relax and keep your blood pressure down, :)

I just want my life back

22-12-05, 11:32
This story I could have written myself Terri.

I bought the same monitor that they use at the surgery and a few times a year I take readings.

Every time I go to the doctors I get pretty similiar readings as you and yet at home they are always well down into the normal range.

Obviously we both have white coat syndrome as do millions of other people.

I guess what you are really worried about is is your monitor accurate - I am sure it is. The moniter they gave me at the surgery to borrow last year(before I bought mine) gave the same high reading as at the surgery but within half an hour it had come back down to normal.

You could the next time you are due a BP test at the doctors take it with you and see how it compares with theirs and then do it again at home to see if it drops etc.

Personally I don't think you need to do this.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

23-12-05, 08:13
Hi there

Your story is so typical of myself. I have readings at the doctors of 160/110 at home they are perfectly normal. I too question the accuracy of my home machine, but my hubby has normal bp at the doctors and his reads higher than mine at home. My sisters husband suffers from high bp and has the same machine as mine, his readings are within a few digits, more or less the same as his gp's. I know its hard to think that your bp can vary so much at the doctors to at home, but i know full well that i never feel at home like i do at the doctors.
Good luck
