View Full Version : Very embarassing question ladies

19-01-10, 23:26
This is kind of embarassing (well very) but earlier today I pulled back the clitoral hood to have a look at what my clit looks like. I was thinking it would look like a little red lump, but it looked like a long piece of skin inside the hood and looked like it was kind of folded over at the top, kind of hooked.... what should the clitoris look like? Could I have something wrong with me... could I be injured i.e. could it be split at the top (I have no pain or abnormal bleeding). Im talking about the actual clitoris, the bit inside the hood...

Going home
19-01-10, 23:32
Hi Rachel

Without knowing your age, i'm assuming you might have had doctors or nurses examine you there at some point and they would have seen if there was anything to be worried about. There isn't really a 'normal' shape or size with anything on either females or males, we are all individuals and that goes for this part of your body too..:)

Take care
GH xx

19-01-10, 23:33
Hi, im 25, but no have never been examined down there

19-01-10, 23:34

I am not sure this is the right forum for this kind of post as we are a panic and anxiety site not sexual health.

Have you looked around for more appropriate forums to post this on?

I am not trying to say we don't care but this is not really the subject of this forum and would be better suited on a woman's sexual health forum.


19-01-10, 23:35
Hi, well I do have health anxiety as in I do notice every lump and bump and this is just one in a long line of things that Im worried isnt as it should be so that was why I posted, sorry

19-01-10, 23:36
I'm replying not because I can tell you what it is but because I share similar problems.. The whole area around my clit, clitoral hood and labia is covered in lumps, bumps and folds! Some sore and some not. It's pretty normal to have some folds and creases, we're all different there, believe me, I've had a lot of problems there since I was tiny so have seen my fair share of doctors!! .. if it reassures you at all, I have a very sore lump right in the centre of the hood which I too thought was some kind of injury but I think I'd know if it was, it would be very painful I imagine!

But you do sound pretty normal to me, try not to worry too much :)

20-01-10, 02:15
Yes that is what it is supposed to look like.
Basically it's covered in a hood of skin and under that skin there is a little nodule that gets swollen during stimulation.
Yours sounds completely normal.