View Full Version : Kym's Diary Of Coping And Getting Better! And No Panic Attacks...i hope

20-01-10, 00:08
hey all!

I just wanted to update everyone, and ive decided with the help im getting, im gonna write a diary, for u all to see, and get insperation from.
Well as most of u know, ive had a pretty tough weekend, constant panic since Thursday night, been in and out of doctors and the hospital thinking i was going mad and needed to be sectioned.
Well today, went to see my doctor again, in tears still, and he said he wanted to send me back to the hospital again to speak to a psychiatric nurse, so i went to see him at half 6 this evening. Broke down in front of him aswell, explained my situation to him, that i couldnt cope, panicing all the time, scared of being alone and i said to him i wanted to be sectioned. He then said he was gonna talk to the crises team and get them to help me, only problem was i had to wait till 10pm to see them :mad:, he did join me outside for a fag and a chat about motobikes though, he was a lovely guy
So... the lady i spoke to at 10pm, she was nice, first person i didnt cry to, she explained how the crises team work, which is they will help you for 4-5 weeks before being placed onto the short term care at the NHS. In these 4-5 weeks, they will visit me everyday to begin with, also doctors visit aswell, to discuss medication. They will take me out, try and get me going outside more etc.
I feel like a great weight has been lifted of my shoulders, and im actually sitting here smiling. Im actually getting the help ive been crying out for. I think they just try and hold of giving this help out straight away or they wont be able to cope with the demand of patients.
So ive decided, everyday, i will give you all an update on the crises team, how i am, and how i am coping.
Im hoping this will give you some insperation, i know what some of you are thinkin, 'oh ill never be able to do that', ive thought that all weekend when someone has said to me ull be fine its ok. i just wanted to scream at them that i wouldnt be ok, and ill be like this forever.
Well ramble over now lmao
Over and out xxxxx :winks:

20-01-10, 00:12
Good luck Kym. Hope it works out for you.

20-01-10, 00:23
hi kym

im pleased for you and hope you get well soon, have you had anxiety for a while? where do you live as you seem to have very understanding doctor.

20-01-10, 00:37
Hiya Ella, thanks hun :)

May, thanks, yeah ive had anxiety for 2 years, really badly. but tonight has been like a snap. Im from northampton. Believe me its taken lots of tears and stress to get to this stage with help!

20-01-10, 01:29
Wish you well Kym. I'll be following your diary with interest....

20-01-10, 03:06
Hey Kym,

Good Luck with the crisis team and I for one am definitely looking forward to the updates and also to use it as a motivational read...I really need to start sorting it out too so maybe reading what you do will help me to start doing it too!!

Really glad things are looking up for you

Candy xx

20-01-10, 08:53
It sounds like you have had a hard time recently, so I hope you find writing the diary will help. It's something I wish I'd done ten years ago when I was have major anxiety problems.

20-01-10, 11:33
Morning guys
Well i had a okish night last night, fell asleep at about 1am (didnt get back from hosp till 11pm) but i fell asleep naturally :) I could feel panic trying to take over me, but as i was in a good mood from the hospital help i got last night, i was fighting it, and didnt have a major one. I did wake up at half 3, started to panic a little, could feel my eyes dropping, but couldnt get back into a deep sleep. Had to get up and remove some cardboard off my balcony which the wind was banging against the wall, rather annoying. So at about 4ish i took a sleeping pill, and woke up at half 9 this morning. Feel a but panicy, but im trying to fight it. Feel a little lonely again, and miss my ex and wish he was here seeing how good im doing. Ive got the psychratic nurse coming to see me between 12 and 1pm today, so will give u an update a little later this afternoon
Thanks for all your messages, really helps :D
Hope everyone is ok xxxx

20-01-10, 12:07
Hi Kym
I think you are doing really well and admire you for making sure you get the help you deservedly need. I am pleased for you that you have a good gp. :yesyes: Its good to know that there is the help there if you need it.
I know it is easy for me to say, but for now try and put your ex to the back of your mind, and concentrate on you getting better. This is about you and your wellbeing.
I am reading both your threads with interest so please keep updating.
I hope you have a better day.
Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

20-01-10, 13:20
Good luck Kym ,Your Dr sounds lovely and supportive ,it can make so much difference to your recovery knowing you have someone you can chat to comfortably ,and who listens to what you are saying .Having people there for you when you feel like you do is reassuring and a great comfort ,Somehow it gives you a feeling of not being so alone and frightened ..Hope today is better for you Kym .I will be reading your Diary with great interest .t/c Luv Sue xx:hugs:

20-01-10, 14:21
Hi Kym,

You used the term "fighting" in your last post. I know it sounds back to front but you need to start trying to accept your panic rather than fighting it - fighting stimulates your adrenal glands, making the feelings of panic self-perpetuating so you get stuck in a cycle.

Have you read Claire Weekes?

20-01-10, 14:34
Hello Kym,
Wayne here, so last night went alright did it, told you you had nothing to worry about? Hope your feeling better.

20-01-10, 16:54
Hi Kym

Firstly hugs :hugs: for having had such a hard time of it.

Glad you are finally getting the help you need babe. Will be reading with great interest how you are getting on.

Good luck to you, and keep strong. x

20-01-10, 21:58
Hey all,
Had an ok day today, well actually compaired to the last 6 days today has been excerlent! Had the crises team come round at 12pm. They went ok, just had to explain everything to them again. They are sending a doctor to see me tomorrow morning, to talk about meds and stuff.
After they left i felt a bit panicy, so i thought stuff this im going out :D I phoned a taxi and went up to see my best mate and her kids, and i didnt panic, obviously i had thoughts about my ex, wanting him back, and when i have to go home. But it was fine. Ive just got home, gonna have a cuppa. jump into bed and catch up on some tv i missed.
Day One was a good day! And its all down to being around friends! And she is even dragging me out to town saturday night, and im not gonna panic, worry about it or pull out...... go me
Hope this feeling lasts
Thanks for all your messages

magpie girl
21-01-10, 15:39
Hi kym im so happy you got the help you needed:D:D:D:DI hope things start to look up for you and you rediscover yourself,and your independance:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes::yesyes::yesye s::yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

claire m
21-01-10, 15:47
good lass kym:D .

21-01-10, 23:50
Hey guys,

Day Two:
Well it started out ok, had a little panic in the morning like i usualy do, but i kept falling back to sleep from between 7-9 ish, and i feel asleep without a sleeping pill :D I had the doctor come round at half 10, allthought he didnt arrive till gone 11am lol, typical ay! Not even in a waiting room and still have to wait hehe. That went ok, we just had a chat about the medication i was on, and to see how i cope on it, and he will come see me on saturday to have another check up. This afternoon was ok, went shopping with my best mate, but i saw my ex so it made me panic a little, still was put off my food, but i managed to eat as much as i could!
I had more panic this evening, to the point where i was crying again, but i kno it was just cause i miss my ex. But i got over that panic quite quickly, just accpeted i was panicing, and then did my 7/11 breathing and had a snuggle on the sofa with my brother and before i knew it it had passed. Ive just spent the last hour talking to a really nice guy, who added me on facebook, so things seem to be looking up!
Hope everyone is ok!
Love you all xxx

22-01-10, 00:24
Well done Kym .You managed your panic well :hugs:Its always nice to have a cuddle ..Glad your evening turned out well for you,Life is full of suprises, and some of them are good :winks:Sleep well and i look forward to reading about your day tommorow ,take care luv Sue x:hugs:

22-01-10, 20:55
hey kym keep your chin up hun you will do just fine xxx

23-01-10, 00:06
Hey all,

Day 3,
I slept last night without a sleeping pill again! :D And i slept all the way through till about 9am. Didnt really panic at all last night when i got into bed either, i thought i would, but i put on something on Iplayer and was asleep withing 20 mins of the programe. Today has been good, i woke up in such a crappy mood, my brother was going home today, so i would be alone, im completly skint till Thursday, which gets everyone down i think! I wasnt really myself at all today, ive been veru quiet, and not very socialable, but i still went out to my friends house, and watched my godson for a while, playing lots and silly games, and being covered in Talcon Powder after his bath lol. This evening has been great, had a friend round to watch a film, not much film watching on my behalf! Let me just warn some of u girls out there, Troy isnt a girly film lol. Considering all day ive been dreading tonight, as my brother has gone home, and im alone in the flat now, having the company here has been great, and ive had a good laugh, and know im gonna go sleep tonight quite easily!
I thought it would have been alot harder then this to get over everything! Im quite shocked how its turned out! I didnt see any psychriatric nurses today, but im seeing an occupational therapist tomorrow to help me get out the house a little more, which is perfect timing as my best mate wants to take me out tomorrow night! So fingers crossed tomorrow is a good day!
Hope everyone is ok, and i thank all of you for ur support, messages and love you've all sent xxxxx

23-01-10, 20:54
hi kym

well done hun you seem to be doing great. you should be very proud of yourself!!

are you 'afraid' to go out the house as you say your therapist is going to help you get out a little more?? just wondering as in a few of your posts you have said you have been out etc??


23-01-10, 22:48
Hiya hun,
Yeah i get worried ill be sick if i go out, it doesnt stop me completly, but it stops me from going out out, like pubs, clubs, meals etc i can manage to go to my friends or maybe do a tiny bit of shoppin x

24-01-10, 01:13
Admiration from me too. You are very brave and I wish you the best of luck. There is nothing like hands on support.