View Full Version : Burning groin pain

20-01-10, 02:27
For the past 2 or so weeks I have had weird pain in my left leg and occasionally in the right.

It alternates between a burning pain in my groin (almost as if I touched something hot like hot water), to dull pain from my butt/back of thigh down to my calf muscle. I have been stretching and I got a new office chair and a lot of other stuff but it hasn't really made a difference.

I read up on symptoms on here and it seems to point toward something nerve or muscle related. I saw something about sciatica...but my dad had that from sitting on his wallet all the time and he was in excruciating pain and couldn't walk at all for a time. I am not like that.

I am doing a decent job of convincing myself it is from sitting so much and posture, but someone at work was talking about May-Thurner syndrome and it kind of freaked me out. :blush:

I am wondering if it is nerve pain...the aching is kind of annoying. I feel like my leg is going to fall off. There is no numbness or tingling...just this burning pain from time to time and the aching. I really dont want to go to the doctor again.

20-01-10, 02:39
Oh I forgot to mention that occasionally the pain goes away when I stand up. But now it aches in my hip. Ugh, trying to talk myself down from the anxiety ledge.....

20-01-10, 07:20
i have had sciatica off and on for a few years now, yes it can be very painful, but sometimes it is mild, and doesnt cause me too much bother, just like you say an ache in my buttock and down my leg, and yes sometimes in the hip too.

P x

20-01-10, 09:09
It does sound very much like sciatica...

Not nice at all for you x

20-01-10, 09:28
Hiya i know you dont want to go to the doctors again but it will probably best if you did.

21-01-10, 01:27
Thanks for the replies. I feel better today, although I still have a little nagging left groin pain this evening. I will give it a few more days then I am going to make an appointment.