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View Full Version : Weird kind of burning tingly pain in finger

20-01-10, 09:32
Weird pain in my finger on my right hand. It hurts when I press it on the palm side from the knuckle downwards or bend it (kind of a burning pain I can feel coming from inside). I know this is a very trivial discomfort, but I tend to worry are these trivial discomforts a sign of something more sinister like a neurological wasting condition (I am dramatic I know, but theres always a nagging doubt in my head that makes me wonder!).

20-01-10, 13:11
Hey sweetie :)

Im not sure if you have noticed but there is a daily pattern forming with your posts, i know exactly how you feel i was once where you are now, but everyday its a completely new health worry, i have had all sorts of tingling burning sensations in my fingers toes, arms and legs and it has all been down to anxiety.

Acceptance is key, and i think its important you notice your pattern and the constant need to worry about something different everyday and that maybe you are not ill and that you have anxiety.

It is extremely hard, i suffer from health anxiety to!! have you spoken to your doctor about this and has he referred you for any type of therapy? i think you may find CBT very helpful take care hun xxx

20-01-10, 13:15
Well its partly anxiety but partly that I before last week I hadnt been to docs in 12 years and im just beginning to actually take more seriosly that its not impossible there could be things wrong wit me (I used to worry but becuase of my medical phobia I would be easily convinced its nothing so as to convince myself was doing right thing not going to the doc). So I just have a lot of wonderings from over the years saved up lol

20-01-10, 13:24
I feel like that to hun, its not impossible for nothing to be wrong for any of us, there always is a slight possibility, we live in a scary place and sometimes rare things to happen! but its important we look at these things objectively, what are the chances of me having this particular illness? what would family/friends say about this? is my thinking rational? am i catastrophizing ? would anyone else who didnt have anxiety fear this?

Its so hard because we feel like something is wrong in our minds, anxiety makes us anxious without reason so our natural response is to search for a reason, as hard as it may be i think you should go and see your doctor, get someone to go with you for support and see if you can have a referal for CBT, it will help you look at things differently :)

Mention the other health issues you have, we are not doctors on this forum and asking for any kind of medical advice on here instead of going to the doctor isnt really the right thing to do, its nice to share our experiences and ease our worries, but the fact you havnt been to a doctor and taking our word for it isnt good.

Im sure nothing is wrong with you sweetie, but please see a doctor and discuss your anxiety issues :) best of luck xxxx