View Full Version : clicking in left shoulder

20-01-10, 09:42
Whenever I raise my left arm in the air or use my cross trainer, I can hear my left shoulder clicking, my right one doesnt do this as much (though it does do it a little), and its been something that has happened for a long time, could there be something seriously wrong with my joints? Im worried as Im only 26. Im not in any pain.

20-01-10, 11:05
One of my shoulders clicks when I circle my arms during a warm up, and has done for many years. I'm not worried about this, as have always thought of this as normal.

20-01-10, 11:10
Yeah, mine has been like this a while, but does seem to be vrtually every time I raise or extend my arm. I dont lift weights so couldnt have injured it really, but I do sleep with my weight on my shoulders in bed (I just seem to land up in this position, with my left arm knd of up round my neck so I guess my weight is resting on my left shoulder. Im very slim.

20-01-10, 11:10
Mine does too, and the rest of my bones click also! Its worried me for a bit but i started to notice people with a similar frame often clicked too so it doesn't anymore :-) x:hugs:

20-01-10, 11:19
Hi Jellie, are you quite slim?

20-01-10, 11:29
I am for sure :)

20-01-10, 23:52
I posted this on a physio forum the other day and theyve come up with all sorts of joint probs, this was something I was just going to try and ignore since theres no pain, and had more or less decided is either way I sleep, because Im v slim or just because stiff maybe if havent moved a certain way in quite a while (I have a desk job and sit down alot probs in positions that are bad for my back, neck, shoulders etc). I was starting to think the clicking could perhaps be normal when a couple of other people on here said they had it..... I wasnt planning on heading to the docs with this as didnt think they would take me seriously but on the physio forum they suggested I see a physio which makes it sound kind of serious! Im really lost for what to do now and whether this does require a trip to docs???

21-01-10, 01:50
I am ripe old 29 :D and my arms and shoulder do this quite a bit especially in the AM and when I do arm exercises.

21-01-10, 10:43
Thanks for your post, yep I dont think its going to kill me either Im just kind of concerned what it is (has started happening a bit in both shoulders now, argh). I just expected them to reply on the forum and say oh ignore it its nothing, not go and see a physio straight away, id have to get referred to one by my GP wouldnt I? and as theres no pain dont really think its worth troubling a GP about do you? Beginning to worry a little if doing the right thing just ignoring it as nothing

21-01-10, 14:27
Doe this sound like it needs checked out? (think its in both shoulders now, it kinnd of seems its in both shoulders now)