View Full Version : please help! bad feelings but sleeping a little better

20-01-10, 10:02
Well 2 nights running i have managed 5 or 6 hours sleep, which is good and the nightmares are not as bad. Still feel a world apart from everyone else. Stood in a crowd of people this morning and felt like i was in a different world from everyone else, this is one of the feelings that makes me feel so alone and different. Anyone else feel like this?
I just want to talk to someone about how i feel inside, and i so badly want these feelings and effects to go away, but the doctor says there is no quick fix. The dizzy, thick head has come back too, not had that since i was diagnosed.
Sorry everyone today i feel low and afraid, started out this morning alright-ish but since i have been out in the big wide world slightly scared.
I'm feeling scared, alone and rough.:weep:.

20-01-10, 12:54
Hi mate

I know bud, it feels like you are alone and the future looks plain bleak, and your GP is right, there is no quick fix.

Now that's the bad news, here is the good news.

There have been many that feel like you do right now, and it's ended up being a distant memory to them.

With the right help (talk to the GP about referral for talk therapy's) and following some key basic rules, you will find you can recover my friend.

In the mean time, make sure you eat well, and keep yourself hydrated, you must physically give your body and mind every chance to aid recovery.

Try and exercise, even if its a brisk walk around the streets in the evening, this will help you to strengthen physically and mentally, and hopefully aid better sleep.

Keep off the stimulants, the caffiene, alcohol and sugary foods, these will keep you in an anxiety state and all contribute to that awful dizzy thick head feeling.

Try and live in the moment, not the past or future, don't dwell on how you feel (not easy I know), and try and keep yourself distracted from negative thoughts.

I found Claire Weekes books a fantastic help in overcoming the anxiety.

It is good you want to talk about how you feel, us fella's tend not to ;) so asking your GP for therapy may do you the world of good.

Above all buddy have hope, everything you said was where I was once, and it is now that distant memory (save for the odd dizzy spell in the Supermarket).

Keep yourself well Red, you will overcome this, trust me.



20-01-10, 13:44
:hugs:Been there too Red :weep: I thought i was losing my mind tbh ...It does sound like you are experiencing derealization ..This is a temporary state caused by your meds and anxiety ...The more you fear and react to it the longer it will last ...Dont be afraid its just a feeling ..I came thru like many others have ,and you will too .Claire Weekes books will definately help you ,you will be pleasantly suprised ..Take care and take each day as it comes Luv Sue xx:hugs:

20-01-10, 14:19
been there it does get better one good thing you go out thats good keep it up your not alone you have guts

20-01-10, 14:30
I'm trying to look on the bright side of everything, but it's tough to be honest with you,and so hard to be positive about anything. Half the time today and most days it feels like my thoughts are not my own anymore. I wish i had not stepped out of the house today, but not feeling much better now i'm home again All of this is such an uphill struggle isn't it?, i know many of you on here are in the same situation as me suffering depression and anxiety. I'm just finding today VERY, VERY difficult, not sure why but this is one of my worser days. Sorry to go on people, but i just want today to be over. Regards Wayne.

20-01-10, 14:55
Hi Wayne

Fella don't be sorry, this is why NMP is here, to help and offer advice. I have sought advice on here many times, and had great advice (and done the odd rant ;))

Try and accept today as "just a bad day". It does not mean tomorrow will be the same, tomorrow could be a good day.

Here's hoping you have a better day tomorrow.


20-01-10, 14:56
hello, I have had this too - but the good news is that I dont get it anymore. I dealt with episodes of this for a couple of years but have been in the clear many more years than I ever lived with it now. Sooo... one day that feeling will be a distant memory for you too! Hang in there :)