View Full Version : I am so pathetic!

20-01-10, 10:17
For the last few days I have been worrying about PE and my breathing etc. Now I have been having cramps in my feet on and off for the last few weeks so stupid me googled it.

Well, it can be a sign of narrowing of the arteries so of course I am in panic mode again. As soon as I read it, I felt all funny really hot and pain across my shoulders.

My foot feels like it is cramped ever so slightly for a few hours, then it is ok again. And of course this is the leg that I have pain in my groin and leg pain on and off - gonna die from a blood clot right:wacko:

I hate this, I went for hynotherapy today because I have been feeling terrible lately, felt a little better this afternoon - and now I have gotten myself written off with a clot or narrowed arteries (nevermind that my d-dimer test was neg only two days ago but this could be wrong right?)

Arrgghh, this is no life - someone help me please:lac:

20-01-10, 13:30
Big hugs!!!

You sound just like me!!

Deep breathes, try and sit calmly and tell yourself you are fine.

And try and avoid google in the future!! Bloomin' evil thing, i'm always getting myself in a tizz after googling!

20-01-10, 20:35
Thanks for replying - boo hoo I really MUST be pathetic for only getting one reply.

My C Reactive protein was high on my blood test the other day, so I am panicing about that too cause it could be an indicator of heart disease etc.

20-01-10, 21:40
You are not pathetic!! You have health anxiety which is a common post on nmp. Just try not to google anything!! It brings up the diagnosis from Hell!! You are anxious, not physically ill. Please try not to wind yourself up, it's horrible, but we've all been there.