View Full Version : Checking Overload :(

20-01-10, 10:38
I have suffered with OCD for 13 years but have recently developed a new obsession that my car has a slight ripple or dent on its roof. I have to keep checking the roof and running my finger across the front of it where it meets the windscreen seal as this is where I think the dent is.

I have a real problem with things being perfect and as I have spent so much money on the car I want it to be perfect.

The more I check it the more I'm convinced there is a slight dent or crease.

99% dead inside
06-02-10, 19:15
Hi Arran,

My dad is the same as you. He has had OCD all his life, and constantly checks his car for scratches/dents and stuff. I have OCD too, but it's not as bad as it once was. I know exactly how you feel when you know there's nothing wrong but your brain is also telling you there's a problem. It's so hard to fight that urge that tells you to check, or, just make sure.

I hope you can get better and not worry so much. The only thing I can say is to ask your friends and family if they can see anything. If they can, then get it sorted and be content that your car is now infact perfectly fine. If they can't, then I think you should definitly seek help with your OCD problem. It's different for everyone, but my dad took some pills and it stopped it for him.

Good luck! :)

10-02-10, 16:28
I have slight OCD (As well as panic attacks :( ) and my obsession is checking and rechecking that the oven is off and the front door is locked when I leave. I watched a program where they were trying to treat this man with OCD and it involved him not being allowed to check anything! I think I would have a meltdown if that was me!

10-02-10, 17:23

I know its hard, but you really need to resist the urge to keep checking the car or anythign else, no matter how much you want to. The more you check the more doubts you will end up having unfortunately. I have had OCD for nearly 11 years and it is one of the only things that helps me. Just try and accept the thoughts and let them be there but don't check tha car, just think "I looked ysterday and there is no dent, so thats that". Its hard at first and sometimes makes you feel more anxious but in the end it will pay off and you will have these doubts and fears less and less.