View Full Version : what is the definition of happiness

20-01-10, 13:07
Hi fellow sufferers. This question has puzzled me for such a long time and Ive found an answer from the National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists. I received this from their free newsletter by email.It wont cost you anything to subscribe. http://www.nacbt.org

'Happiness begins with the perception of your life being the way you would like it to be (The "A" in the emotional ABCs, or what you are Aware of), the thought, "I'm glad it's this way," (the "B" in the emotional ABCs, or what you think about "A"), and your bodily sensation of happiness (the "C" in the emotional ABCs, or your emotional consequence)'.[/B]

If your life isn't the way you would like it to be, you will be unhappy about it. (nevertheless that doesn't mean to say you must make yourself miserable because of it either.) If you are not happy that your life is the way you wish it to be, you will not be happy. And if there were something wrong with your body that didn't allow you to feel happy, you might think happy thoughts, but you will not feel the body sensations associated with happiness. Therefore, all three components are required for happiness.

Cognitive-behavioral therapies do not only help people to calmly accept their current situation, but they also assist clients to make their life more in line with their desires.

Any comments welcomed from you lovely helpful people.:hugs:

20-01-10, 13:39
Happiness for me is a side effect of having harmony in your life. Where there's disharmony there's conflict, both in our minds and around us.

Unfortunately modern psychology concentrates much more on conformity to society's norms than anything else. And society's norms are changing all the time, so there's a constant battle to keep up with it, to constantly conform.

I think that this constant pressure to conform is the source of a lot of our unhappiness.

20-01-10, 15:11
I confer with that Melancholia77 especially with regards to the way I look. I have poor self esteem and Ive always found peoples attitude change to me when I lose weight especially in the workplace! Being slim and pretty=being an achiever, having self discipline, being intelligent, deserving respect!I am a housewife now having given up a 10 year career in Quantity Surveying to look after my family, but society and way of life doesnt make this easy with its expectations, cost of living etc.I believe my role is frowned upon. Hence probably while I feel a failure and unhappy!

21-01-10, 03:44
For me, in "plain english" one word would suffice - Contentment.:hugs:

jude uk
21-01-10, 04:49
Contentment would be my answer as well.

21-01-10, 17:03
Interesting....simple as that?