View Full Version : Night Sweats

20-01-10, 13:55
Hi all,
I was started on citalipram for depression and anxiety but they didn't suit me so GP changed them for escitalipram. Started me on 5mg but after a few weeks didn't feel any different so upped to 10mg per day. Still don't feel any better and I've been on this med since well before Christmas. Now I have started experiencing night sweats and wake up soaking with sweat and have to throw bed clothes off for a time. I am on HRT so I know it's not hormonal. Has anyone else experienced this while on this medication? Also do you think the med should have "kicked-in" by now, how long do they usually take to work. Some days I feel worse than I did before I started them. Am going back to GP tomorrow and I hope he doesn't suggest trying something else. I panic when I have to start new tablets as I've had lots of bad reactions to certains meds.

jude uk
23-01-10, 05:29
meds can take a few months to kick in but yeah see your gp and get some advice..let us know how you get on