View Full Version : Help please!

20-01-10, 14:22
Hello, I barely get any exercise and I started too today because I heard it helps with panic attacks and after like 5 minutes my heart started beating really fast and I feel really dizzy. I've been sipping on water and trying to breathe normally for the last 15 minutes, but it's still going on. I am almost certain it is a panic attack but I just need some reassurance. Thanks!

20-01-10, 16:37
What exercise were you doing?was it too much too fast?Sometimes a friend can take your mind off things if you exercise together and they can help you if you start to feel anxious.Well done though for trying, you've made a very brave first step.Try n try again.You can do it as Nike says!:hugs:

20-01-10, 17:04
If you are not used to doing exercise, then I suggest you start really, slowly, maybe just a gentle stroll. You are right in saying it can help with PA, but if you havent previously done much exercise, then doing too much too soon can put you under pressure, and thats probably why you are feeling the way you do.

Good on you for trying and dont give up hun. Try again tomoro, a little bit at a time. You can do it. x

20-01-10, 20:51
Ugh kind of caved in and ended up calling 911 because I thought it could be something different and I felt like I was about to pass out. Of course they said it was nothing, just increased heart rate pretty much, I feel like an idiot now. Oh well:unsure:

Kind of a side question, they said to stop drinking caffeine and whatnot, but I don't know if it's safe to stop cold turkey. Does anyone know? I drink like 2L of coke per day and completely stopping would make me REALLY tired for like a week or more. I have nothing else going on so it doesn't matter that much, but is it healthy? Or should I just slowly start to cut back

20-01-10, 21:54
I gave it up cold turkey and am a little tired but the shakiness I used to experience while I was drinking lots of soda is gone already!
You can quit completely or you can slowly cut down. It's up to you :)
But stopping all together won't hurt you.

20-01-10, 22:00
It's just I drink so much that if I stopped completly I would barely be able to stay up for 10 hours and my eyes would probably hurt a lot. I've went days without caffeine before and it physically hurts, but I guess that goes with any addiction. Thanks for the response.

20-01-10, 22:09
You're welcome :)
If you don't feel comfortable stopping all at once then just cut back a little at a time or switch to something lower in caffiene.
There is a caffeine free Coke here in the US.
Not sure if you all have it there tho :)