View Full Version : Worms In.. Stalls..?

20-01-10, 14:26
Im not sure what they are or what they look like .. but i think i have .. worms in my stalls.. :blush: i dont want to gross anyone out .. but they're.. while and small and about a centermetre..? there was.. air bubbles but no movement? Is this worms ..


Ruby x

20-01-10, 14:45
Deep breaths.

Its very unlikely, but if you think you may have worms in your stool, collect a little sample and take it to your Doctor.

20-01-10, 14:58
Its threadworm. My 9 yr old daughters had it 3 times when she was 7. Suspect caught at school.You can catch them just by touching something that an infected person has already touched. The chemist can give you a family treatment, one tablet each and then repet in 2 weeks. Dont share hand towels for that duration. Its not coz u r dirty n dont wash your hands, its coz other people are so dont be grossed out! They are bloomin iitchy n annoying coz I think I had them too!

20-01-10, 15:02
Worms are like small worm like white creatures that wiggle about, it can cause itchyness too. I remember having this when I was little. If you think this is it there all all types of different "worms" you can get mostly kids get them but adults sometimes can get them too. But most are easily treated through medication. And the worse thing about them is the embrassment factor. Also this can be caught sexually.

If it is worms though try and relax have a nice warm bath and remember its easily treated and not to serious.

20-01-10, 15:15
Sorry, lonewolf is quite right, could be something else as there are other types of worms. I get a bit carried away some times!You need to check what they look like, I would offer but I cant stand poo, sick n wee. Sorry! Its very natural to get them so dont panic.

20-01-10, 16:43
The treatment form chemist is quick and easy,just treat yourself anyway,they are harmless,and quite common.xxxxxxxxx:hugs: