View Full Version : What a waste of time.

anx mum
20-01-10, 14:30
Got up this morning and again in constant pain with knees and left calf:weep: took painkillers didnt do much so went 2 a&e hoping they would give me some idea whats going on. Was in agony went in taxi with my 2 year old 2 b told what can they do so angry cos my gp had said go there if it gets too much. :weep::weep::weep:

20-01-10, 14:33
What tests have you had sweetie? have the doctors given you any indication to what it may be? xx

20-01-10, 14:35
You need to phone your Dr up and tell him what happened ..If you ve had all the tests I dont expect they can do anything else ,but your Doc may be able to give you some stronger painkillers or refer you for Physiotherapy ...Osteopaths are also good for leg pain ,but you have to pay private.. good luck .Sue

20-01-10, 14:44
Thats totally unprofessional! Did they not even check you over?? Don't put up with that - make a complaint!

I work for the NHS, in Chiropody, and the pain you describe could be a Musculoskeletal one. I would ask to be referred on.


anx mum
20-01-10, 15:04
i know doc had a quick look at it and said i dont know what u want us to do so angry had ultra sound done on the 11th cos was concerned about clots. So unless they can see something was told to go what a joke

20-01-10, 15:13
:ohmy: thats terrible!! i cant believe they are treating you like that! even if its not a clot you are obviously in alot of pain and they should be finding things to help you!! are they not going to carry out further tests?? it could be muscle damage or anything not necessarily a clot :hugs:xx

anx mum
20-01-10, 15:19
yeah thats how they treated me. Was sobbing my heart out got an appointment with bone dr 27th jan. My gp did that think im gonna put in a complait.

20-01-10, 15:24
I know these appointments can take soo long to come through!! my OH has had problems with his leg and feet and its taking months at a time to get sorted. Have you at least got something for the pain until your appointment comes through? its good that they have sent you for more tests shows that they are doing at least somethiing!, good luck with everything!! :hugs: xx

anx mum
20-01-10, 15:45
Thanks meg got painkillers but dont do an awful lot. Sorry your boyfriend has had problems 2 with his legs. xx

20-01-10, 16:57
Sorry to hear you had a bad experience at the hospital. Until you've got your appointment through with the bone Dr you can try rubbing in deep heat gel and also when the pain is bad buy a wheat bag and microwave it for a few minutes then apply where painful. My Mum has one of these for her neck and shoulders (she has arthritis) and swears by them for helping with the pain. You can get them in loads of places, B&Ms has some at the moment for less than £2

anx mum
20-01-10, 18:07
has it got gel in a bag thats what i got or is it different?

20-01-10, 18:14
They contain wheat ,,They are a lot better than the Gel pads as they keep hotter for longer and they can be wrapped around your leg a bit ..Diclofenac gel is good, also some freeze spray might be worth a try ..It helps with Arthritis Pain and that is excruciating at times ..T/c Sue x

anx mum
20-01-10, 18:57
where do u get freeze spray from? So sick of bein fobbed off

20-01-10, 19:05
I got some in Tescos ..It contains menthol ..The chinese herb shop sells some oil that smells strong ,it also contains menthol .But it costs £8 and gets a bit much after a while .Tens machines can help with pain ,and you can get them for as liile as £15 nowadays ..Unless you know what is actually causing the pain it makes it harder to treat .But heat and Freeze spray can benefit lots of different causes ..Its finding something that works for you .Acupuncture is also very beneficial for pain relief ..Its a pity you have to try so many things Its really not on ..I hope you go back to your Dr and get something on perscription ,,It costs a fortune all the time ..suex

20-01-10, 19:54
Is the pain less when you have a bath?

anx mum
20-01-10, 20:29
pain still there when av a bath why do u ask that?

20-01-10, 21:22
A really hot bath used to help me when i had aches in my legs

anx mum
20-01-10, 21:39
just so fed up:shrug:in bed now in pain not right had painkillers and diazpam

21-01-10, 01:30
Wow that's so wrong what happened to you. I really hope the bone doc can help you. Maybe some physio or something? Does it hurt too much to exercise? Do you go for walks and things?

I hope you can get some relief and soon.

21-01-10, 01:43
Unfortunately this has happened to me too, twice! I was feeling dizzy one bank holiday wekend, I felt like I was going to faint, was short of breath and had chest pain, I was crying all day and couldn't sleep the night before. I took a trip to A&E, waited 4 hours to be seen by a doctor who told me he was not a GP (My GP's surgery was closed) and not to waste his time. All he did was listen to my chest and and told me to go home. I was very upset. I never went back to that hospital.

I then went to hospital recently complaining of shortness of breath, chest pain, head/chest rushes. I was concerned about blood clots, again I waited about 6 hours to be seen, then they just checkd my BP/BPM , listened to my lungs/heart, poked around at my legs and just sent me on my way. They wouldn't even do a blood test... I mean, I went there for reassurance that I was ok, and it's there job to carry out such tests to make sure we are.

I know how crap it makes you feel, like they just don't care.
But I'm sure you leg is fine anx_mum, you've had a scan so you know it's not a clot, it's probably just muscular, I know it's still painful but remember, it's not going to be anything serious. Hope you get it sorted soon.


21-01-10, 01:49
Ella that is awful. I had a PA tell me the 3rd time I went to the ER (this was before I knew my vertigo was from an ear problem and NOT a tumor) that I needed to chill out and I am too young and it was all anxiety. You try being dizzy all day for no reason for a month and a half straight lady...thats what I felt like saying to her.

Anx mum, I think you should get a nice hour long massage to help your leg. The first time I got one for neck problems related to my ear & vertigo...it was heavenly.

anx mum
21-01-10, 11:09
Has anyone had constant pain in knees esp when kneeling walking down stairs getting out of a chair. Then left calf hurts ay ideas?

21-01-10, 11:50
hey there,
yes i have pain in my knee and my left calf...and also in my hip, but for me its very random, i sometimes get it when ive been walking alot, i do wear high heels and think this doesnt help ive had calf pain for a few years and just put it down to muscle problems but sometimes it does worry me but i used to do alot of exercises and i think maybe this is what started it off..at the moment ive got a problem with the top of my leg i think its my groin area, had it since last summer im very stiff in that area now whereas i used to be able to stretch my leg in lots of different positions now it kills me to do any exercise on it..i do know i hurt that leg from (again) exercising...im obviously not doing things right lol and paying the price for it...I truly hope you feel better soon anx mum to have pain like that every day must be terrible.

anx mum
21-01-10, 12:11
is never knew knees and. calf could b so painful. Just want some answers fed up of being in so much pain.

21-01-10, 14:41
But you've had so many replies here Anx Mum and you don't seem to have acknowledged a lot of them. I sent you a PM asking about your pregabalin. I know you're in a bad way and I'm not being funny but how can people help you?

21-01-10, 15:00
Unfortunately this has happened to me too, twice! I was feeling dizzy one bank holiday wekend, I felt like I was going to faint, was short of breath and had chest pain, I was crying all day and couldn't sleep the night before. I took a trip to A&E, waited 4 hours to be seen by a doctor who told me he was not a GP (My GP's surgery was closed) and not to waste his time. All he did was listen to my chest and and told me to go home. I was very upset. I never went back to that hospital.

I then went to hospital recently complaining of shortness of breath, chest pain, head/chest rushes. I was concerned about blood clots, again I waited about 6 hours to be seen, then they just checkd my BP/BPM , listened to my lungs/heart, poked around at my legs and just sent me on my way. They wouldn't even do a blood test... I mean, I went there for reassurance that I was ok, and it's there job to carry out such tests to make sure we are.

I know how crap it makes you feel, like they just don't care.
But I'm sure you leg is fine anx_mum, you've had a scan so you know it's not a clot, it's probably just muscular, I know it's still painful but remember, it's not going to be anything serious. Hope you get it sorted soon.


I'm probably going to get shot down in flames for this post but I'll take my chances.

I'm sorry, but A and E is there for just that purpose..treating accidents and emergencies.
I have learnt a lot about Health Anxiety in the 2 years that I have been on NMP and have seen how it can affect every aspect of peoples lives.
I am also sorry that many are met with impatience and occasional rudeness when they go to A and E.
But to say that they are not doing their job because they don't carry out tests just for your reassurance is wrong. They carried out the usual assessments (I'm also assuming you were seen by a triage nurse beforehand but I could be wrong) including the "poking around at your legs" which is looking for signs of a possible clot.
They have listened to your chest and have not had any reason to suspect a pulmonary embloism otherwise they would have admitted you there and then.

Im positive if they thought it was warranted they would have carried out further tests or treatment.

anx mum
21-01-10, 18:16
Sorry but i dont agree ladybird my own gp said if it got too much go 2 hospital. Went in taxi and took my 2 year old was that bad as my partner was gonna take me in afternoon. Yes ur right the triage nurse looked at my leg but as for doc NO where im i suppose 2 go for help? If the doctors would of listened 2 my mum maybe she would b here today. No not happy many of people have told me 2 make a complait and i think i might.

21-01-10, 18:24
You are going round n round in circles and getting nowhere with your symptoms and concerns. I think you are still grieving about your mum, and who wouldn't? I really feel for you and hate to see someone in such despair. I think you'd probably benefit from actually talking to someone about your mum. I think this has a lot to do with your physical feelings. Do you have someone in the family to talk to, or what about a minister or priest? Just someone to sit and listen because I think you have a lot of unfinished business about losing your mum.

Cell block H fan
21-01-10, 19:09
I'm probably going to get shot down in flames for this post but I'll take my chances.

I'm sorry, but A and E is there for just that purpose..treating accidents and emergencies.
I have learnt a lot about Health Anxiety in the 2 years that I have been on NMP and have seen how it can affect every aspect of peoples lives.
I am also sorry that many are met with impatience and occasional rudeness when they go to A and E.
But to say that they are not doing their job because they don't carry out tests just for your reassurance is wrong. They carried out the usual assessments (I'm also assuming you were seen by a triage nurse beforehand but I could be wrong) including the "poking around at your legs" which is looking for signs of a possible clot.
They have listened to your chest and have not had any reason to suspect a pulmonary embloism otherwise they would have admitted you there and then.

Im positive if they thought it was warranted they would have carried out further tests or treatment.

Well you got away with it better than I did. And I put way more kisses at the end lol

21-01-10, 19:29
Sorry but i dont agree ladybird my own gp said if it got too much go 2 hospital. Went in taxi and took my 2 year old was that bad as my partner was gonna take me in afternoon. Yes ur right the triage nurse looked at my leg but as for doc NO where im i suppose 2 go for help? If the doctors would of listened 2 my mum maybe she would b here today. No not happy many of people have told me 2 make a complait and i think i might.

Bev, you are more than welcome to disagree with what I have written but if you look carefully, I was actually referring to another post, not yours.

Regardless of that, Im sure you dont mind if I answer what you have written. :)

Nobody is saying that you are making these pains up, but if anyone gives an opinon that disagrees with yours, you immediately get on the defensive.

I am glad your headaches have now gone, when you had them you were convinced you were very ill and could not understand why there seemed to be no physical cause for them even after you had 2 MRI's.

If you recall, I tried to help you when you felt like you couldn't breathe, as I said at the time I know how this feels and tried to reassure that you weren't running out of air.

I am geniunely sorry you are going through this (although you may believe differently) but you have an appt coming up soon to see a specialist, you also know for sure that you do not have a clot.

If there is a physical problem the chances are it is either muscular or in the bone. What started off as a "dull ache " seems to have grown in intensity and you are now in a lot of pain, are you having adequate pain relief from the GP?

I won't post on here any more as I think it probably won't be welcome but while you are posting here all the time, are you actually folllowing the advice that people are giving you re massages etc?

Do you believe that there is any possibility that these symptoms may be made worse by Health Anxiety?

I know that you mentioned that you were due to see a counsellor and wonder if it was any help to you at all.

And just for the record..I lost my mum in the same way that you lost yours.

I wish you well Bev, honestly. :hugs:

21-01-10, 20:18
I'm probably going to get shot down in flames for this post but I'll take my chances.

I'm sorry, but A and E is there for just that purpose..treating accidents and emergencies.
I have learnt a lot about Health Anxiety in the 2 years that I have been on NMP and have seen how it can affect every aspect of peoples lives.
I am also sorry that many are met with impatience and occasional rudeness when they go to A and E.
But to say that they are not doing their job because they don't carry out tests just for your reassurance is wrong. They carried out the usual assessments (I'm also assuming you were seen by a triage nurse beforehand but I could be wrong) including the "poking around at your legs" which is looking for signs of a possible clot.
They have listened to your chest and have not had any reason to suspect a pulmonary embloism otherwise they would have admitted you there and then.

Im positive if they thought it was warranted they would have carried out further tests or treatment.

So you wouldn't think possible Pulmonary embolism is an emergency??
That's ridiculous. Yes they carried out the usual tests they usually do for most patients, but I had never been to this hospital before, they had no record on me and I found it a bit strange that not even a blood test was carried out, as in the past with other trips to A&E this is something they did straight away.

I don't think that they were not doing their job right, I just think that they could have done more. I'm not one of those people that constantly goes to the hospital, I only ever go if my symptoms have persisted throughout the day and my GP surgery isn't open.

Even my GP has advised me to go to the hospital if my symptoms were persisting. And that's what I did.

21-01-10, 20:43
My daughter was treated for a pulmonary embolism last October, so yes, I don't need to be educated on what constitutes a medical emergency.

However, you were assesed by trained doctor and they didn't feel they that you were showing signs of a PE.

You may think my opinion is ridiculous, and that is fair enough but I am entitled to it, or is it only HA sufferers that are allowed to post on this part of the forum?

anx mum
21-01-10, 21:42
ella i agree the lack of respect from these docs at hospital is awful. My doc even said to me go to a&e if pain gets any worse so thats what i did. I mean they r paid 2 help u after all. Ladybird i do read everyones replies and i do take advice but in this case the hospital didnt do there job so i dont agree with u

21-01-10, 21:47

I do have constant pain in my leg and calf but i know why it is. It's down to the way i sit when i am on my computer. I have a breakfast bar and i sit on a bar stool and i sit with my legs crossed. It took me a while to figure out why i was having pain in these particular places.

Maybe go through your daily routine and see if you can pick up anything that throws anything up.

I am sure the doctors and nurses at a&e would have spotted it instantly if you had a PE and going on you having an ultra sound before too, i would rule that one out. I am no expert but i am sure if you had a pe in the leg then they would be able to tell by width and bp.


anx mum
21-01-10, 21:58
well with pain wake up with it hurts i both knees 2 kneel 2 walk down stairs. Also got pain in left calf wasent worried bout a PE more concerned about dvt keep saying 2 myself had scan but in so much pain

21-01-10, 22:02
My leg hurts and wakes me up when i stretch it in my sleep. I am sure if it was PE it would have been spotted! especialy in the leg as there tends to be swelling.