View Full Version : Hello, nutcase coming though....lol

20-01-10, 15:11
Hi everyone,

I'm Sarah, but you can call me Sal if you like, most people do, amoung other things...lol & I'm 22yrs of age...soon to be 23 in a few months.
I'm new here & just need someone to listen really.
I've always been a "worrier" always thinking the worst of a situation, even since being small. When my Mum & Dad used to argue I used to get a flushed face, tummy pains & feel dizzy & just thought I was "nervous"...I got so worked up about going for a blood test once when I was 16, I passed out! Felt like I was gonna pass out when my kitten went to be neautered because I was so worried about him...but I always thought it was just "the way I was".
& I've had palpitations/random arm aches/flutters in the chest for aslong as I can remember & usually when the doctor checked me out, they'd ease off. & I was getting through life fairly normally really, I've had a hellish few years with different things but I got through them like you have to, as I say, I was plodding along to the best of my ability...until a few months ago :'( Things got steadily worse, I was constantly worried about Christmas & my other cat, whose quite old & who we've had a long time, had become seriously ill with her bladder/bowels, she was bleeding everywhere alot of the time :( & We had many a rush visit to the vets & we thought we were gonna loose her right before christmas, which was an unbearable thought as we think the world of our cats :(

Then one day at this time, I walked up to the local shop [a daily rountine for me] & standing in the queue, I noticed that my heart was pounding away very hard in my chest which I thought was unusual because I WALK EVERYWHERE! lol I'm abit overweight & have Polycystic Ovaries, but I've always felt fairly fit & never feel bad/out of breath when out walking, I can easily walk for 3 hours straight without feeling too bad [well, I used to be able too :(]
Anyway, after this I noticed this "pounding" alot, even sat with the laptop or watching the telly.
So I gave in & went to the doctors about it, thinking he'd just brush it off as he has done in the past...only he didn't...my pulse rate when he took it was 120bpms! I had just walked to the surgery & always get "nervous" before a doctors visit but he didn't seem to care about that, he sent me straight to the A&E! BIG MISTAKE!!!
It was like something took over me, I freaked out completely I was SO scared! I was worried I was about to have a heart attack & even if I did survive I was gonna be kept in a horrid hospital all over the christmas. :'(
I cried my eyes out at the hospital whilst they took tests, which isn't like me, I've developed a good coping mechanism over the years, I've had too :(
They did two ECG's...the first one was 120bpms like at the doctors but I was completely in the throws of panic when they took that one. But my sinus rythm was normal. Then they took blood & urine & did another ECG a few hours later which by that time, I was mentally & pysically exhausted. This time it was 88bpms & my rythm was still normal. All the blood & urine came back fine too, so they told me it was anxiety let me home, at my relief...or so I thought...

Because I swear to god that I left my old self back at that hospital, it was over a month ago & I've NEVER been the same since. From the next day onwards, I've been a wreck, a shadow of my former self. It's been a living nightmare & I don't know how to get out of it!
I'm constantly anxious & scared, constantly testing my pulse to make sure it isn't going too fast. Constant migraines when I only ever used to get them very rarely...strange vision, I can still constantly feel my heart pounding (it's even worse now), it feels irregular at times too which makes me question the ECG's they did. My neck, face, chest, teeth, arms, legs, you name it aches like billy-ho! I'm constantly tired, I've lost half a stone because my appetite is null & void. I feel constantly short of breath/dizzy/"weird" & I'm not sleeping, I'm purposely keeping myself awake till' the early hours because I'm afraid to go to sleep incase I don't wake up! Constantly googling my symptoms for reassurance that it's anxiety (which only makes me worse half of the time!)
& For someone who never went to the doctors, I've been about 5 times since that hospital visit.
It seems like I'm constantly waiting for "the heart attack" to happen, or to pass out & wake up in the ambulance or the hospital or worse, not to wake up at all.
I was someone who always took pride in my appearance even if I was just hanging round the house most of the day, always messing with my hair & make up to get it right, taking the time to decide what clothes & jewellry to wear, now I don't even get dressed most days... :'( I'm even bl**dy anxious when I have a bath/shower now in case I go "funny" in there & drown or hit my head. & I've heard aload of stories of people having heart attacks in their showers & baths...how stupid is that?
My blonde hair is growing out, something I never would have let happen in the past but I'm too afraid to dye it now incase I get a reaction...I'm worried my anxiety might have heightened my allergy sensitivity...so I don't want to dye it :(

& As for my walking, pfft, I've barely left my house, only to go to the doctors & my Dad has had to take me there in the car. It's only a brisk 20min walk to the surgery which I would have been able to do in sleep at one time, now the thought of it petrifies me...I mean, what if it get's my heart rate up & I collaspe or have a heart attack & end up at the hospital again?
I got so bad & freaked out with the palpitations & shortness of breath that I have even contemplated going back to the A&E, I was in abit of a state & was about to phone for a taxi to take me there & thought about all I went through there that night & just completely broke down into tears...I locked myself in the toilet crying my eyes out for ages. I felt like I needed medical help but couldn't go through with going back there... I felt so trapped...
& Still do :( I just wanna feel normal again. A few months ago I was looking forward to the new year, hoping to get my first job in a veterinary practice now that my training was over & start a part time performing arts course at college....(I secretly want to be a comedy performer/actress...sounds stupid now but I did used to be quite a pleasant, bright, funny person :() I always planned on learning how to play the guitar...now I feel like all that has been took away from me & it totally RUINED my christmas...I was even having dizzy spells & palpitations when I was opening my presents.

It's ruined my life as I knew it :( I can't believe one hospital visit seems to have done this to me, I always thought I was a strong person...I saw my Nan die in bad way of liver cancer when I was 9 years old. Every night I'd go to the hospital with my Mum to visit her & she'd be worse every night...but I got through that, even at that age. My Mum has been in & out of hospital with problems over the years aswell & I coped with that too...so why has one night at the hospital done THIS to me???

I still believe it's something physical but no-one is having none of it, sometimes I wish I would collaspe & something wrong would be found, at least then I'd be proven right & this nightmare would stop...
I've been given Buspirone but am too afraid to take them as one of the side effects is "racing pulse/palpitations"...I already have that!!!!
My first appointment with a therapist is this friday, don't know what good that will do but at this moment in time I'm willing to give anything a try :(

I just feel like crying all the time because I'm getting no peace from it, it's there 24/7 like a bad smell following me round, every little pain or twinge or dizzy spell fills me with dread...I have visions of calling an ambulance.
I'm getting awful stomach cramps & diarreha after I eat, it's just horrible.

I feel like I'm never gonna be the same again & that everything is ruined, I used to go out with some friends for a drink on a weekend, never anything too heavy, we're not these "binge drinkers" just a nice night out, you know? I can't even do that now as I'm afraid the drink will make my heart race & I'll take ill & I'll worry my friends & I'll ruin the night...I've not had a alcoholic drink since christmas eve as I thought it was making my palpitations worse (it was half a glass of lambrini lol) & freaked out over it...I haven't touched the stuff since, even though I feel like doing sometimes with the stress of it all but I'm too scared.
We had family over too & I must have looked crazy...I ruined the xmas for everybody but I couldn't help it. :'(

I know my family is dispairing with me, although my Mum is a little more understanding as she had anxiety problems when my Grandad (her dad) died & couldn't leave the house herself at the time...a therapist was coming to the house for ages but she got over it, in time.
They want to help me but they can't...but I feel like I'm burdening them which is upsetting me more :(

So I don't know, I think I've rambled on enough anyway. But I want to thank you to anyone who has read all this anyway, I feel like it has helped abit to get it all out, I've been feeling short of breath/dizzy/sick whilst typing it out but I've been determined to finish it.
I feel like it has helped, even in a small way...at least it's distracted me for abit & it's all "out of head" in some way...

I hope you won't judge me too harshly or think I'm crazy, I'm really not...I feel like the ol' Sal deep down...I just feel like I've lost part of her somewhere...the hospital probably...I mean, it is a big place...:winks: lol :)

20-01-10, 15:12
Hi 87sal87

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

20-01-10, 15:20
A very BIG thank you Nicola :hugs:

20-01-10, 15:20
Hi Sal, I'm new here too (although my problems aren't new). I have had palpitations since I was 16 and I'm 27 now. Reading through your post I think we have alot in common. I can relate to every word you said! I am really feeling for you. I know that if you refuse to let this beat you and start saying the right, comforting thoughts to yourself you will be able to put this yucky time behind you.

20-01-10, 15:27
Hi lollypop!

Thank you so much, you deserve a medal for even attempting to read all that nonsense but since I'm sort on medals at the moment, have a hug...:bighug1:

I'm glad you feel you can relate to what I'm saying as it makes me feel less lonely (& less insane lol) although I wouldn't wish what I'm going through on my worst enemy, it's nice to know I'm not alone...

I'm trying my best to stay strong & get back to normal but it's so hard...I'll be okay for a few hours, then a chest twinge will hit me...or dizzy spell, or a tummy pain or feeling sick & that'll be it...panic's there & I'll be a wreck for the next god's how long....
It's horrible...so horrible :(

20-01-10, 15:27
Hi 87sal87. Im Lynne. I couldnt wait to read your post coz your tiltle made me laugh! Welcome to the nuthouse! I mean that most sincerely folks because we all think we are nutty! We aren't really, we all have illnesses that need treating. Cause n effect n treatment n prevention. I see a counsellor, tell her EVERYTHING.Then you can move forward and like you said with your Mum, its not a quick fix. The impression you give is that you are an in control sort of person under 'normal' circumstances (and I use that word loosely!) so try not to be alarmed you are 'out of sorts' at the moment and have lost your way. You have had a scare and cant make sense of it yet. Keep posting on here if you need help. Theres some really good advice. Have to go on the school run now. Keep in touch.:hugs:

margaret jones
20-01-10, 15:27
Sal you poor thing Panic and Anxiety can do terrible things to our bodies .

Jan last year i could have written the same post as you rushed to A/E after GP visit very slow heart rate , needed to have a pacemaker fitted to rectify the prob , Discharged next day no meds needed get on with it .

I had all your symptons and more sometimes

Counselling started april 2009 slowly returned to me .

This site has helped me to understand that the symptons are common amongst anxiety suffers , and i am well on the road to being Me again
I have decieded that i will take each day at a time ,and it helps .

Take Care Margaret
PM me if you want to

20-01-10, 15:33
Hi smudger & magaret!

Thank you so, so much for being so understanding & sweet. :hugs: I've felt so alone in all this & I as I said I don't talk to my family/friends much because I feel like I'm burdening them & they don't really know what to do, bless them, I think I'm freaking them out now & the last thing I want to do is make anybody as bad as me lol >.<

I'm glad I found this place, maybe now I won't feel so trapped/crazy... :)

20-01-10, 15:52
Hi Sal,

I had something similar recently. I was walking in Germany, and then all of a sudden I started feeling out of breath, and next I couldn't stand anymore. I was shaking and scared I was having heart failure or something. At that moment, an ambulance was passing(!) and they measured a heart rate of 140, and a bp of 180/100! They took me to hospital right away, did ECG, chest X-ray, and blood tests, but found nothing.

That incident was only the beginning of my problems. Subsequently I became to scared to leave the house, and went back to my doctor and hospital many times. Eventually having been back to my doctor about 10 times, I was prescribed some medication for anxiety. At the same time I arranged stress counselling through work. I can honestly say I feel much better recently, which would have been hard to believe just a couple of months ago. I'm still not comfortable walking long distances, but know I'll get back to normal soon.

So I just wanted to say that your case isn't unique, and whether you believe it or not, you will get better!

Veronica H
20-01-10, 17:02
:welcome:Sal. you would be surprised how many of us here with panic anxiety have written a similar introduction to yours. I went to A&E twice for tests before I was diagnosed. My heart still beats at 120 when my anxiety levels are high so I know how uncomfortable that can be, even though no harm is being done. I was prescribed Betablockers for this in the beginning but came off of these last summer.
There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes;SELF HELP FOR YOUR NERVES ISBN 0-7225-3155-9.This is available from the NMP shop. Dr Weekes was a physician and scientist. She was a fellow sufferer (nominated for the nobel prize for medicine) and really understood this illness. She took the mystery out of it, and devised a simple programme for recovery. I can't recommend this enough. This will get better.

Here is a link to her site;



20-01-10, 19:40
I just wanna say thank you so much to everyone who has replied to my post...it's really sweet of you all & I do feel abit better knowing that people finally understand what I'm going through...

:bighug1:hugs to all

I had a bath beforehand & was ok until I felt a huge THUD in my chest whilst I was washing my hair, then despite all the calming myself down I tried to do, I freaked out! It all started, out of breath, dizziness, spaced out feeling, fast heart rate, shaking, stomach pain... :weep:
Then when I came back up to my room, I felt EXHAUSTED & strange & my heart was still pounding...

My doctor is sending me to the chest clinic just to sure about the shortness of breath. There is mold on my ceiling which my Dad should could be making my chest sore.
But what's really worrying me is my slightly purple fingernails, especially my thumb nails...now I KNOW that's not an anxiety symptom. :( I told the doctor & all he did was press them & said that the recovery rate was really good, what's that meant to mean? How does that reasure me? :( My hands & foot are always cold too but my thyroid tests have come back normal & when I look all this up on google it says stuff about heart problems & blood clots :(

I honestly don't know how much longer I can go on like this, I read stuff where people suffer for years at a time with stuff like this, I CAN'T do that...a month has been & done enough :weep:

20-01-10, 20:04
Sal, sounds like the doctor is checking you out thoroughly so take reassurance from that. Your symptoms can point to lots of things. I see you have googled heart problems and clots and yes, this is a possibility BUT amongst many more but I think you know this. The probabilities are that it isn't.I suffer constipation and diaorrheah (can never spell this), bloatedness, tiredness, depression...you wouldnt believe how many illnessess have these symptoms. I could have a field day believe me coz I have a lot of time to think about me! Too much sometimes! How long b4 your appointment? Meanwhile, how do you cope while you are waiting for your appointment? If your symptoms were urgent, just ask yourself, would the doctor have whisked me off to hospital , yes he would! Take things easy until you go to your appointment, avoid stress, eat healthy and take some relaxing mild exercise, and keep your mind occupied doing something you REALLY enjoy. Meanwhile maybe clean that mould off your ceiling. If it is that then not only will you have a nicer ceiling to look out, you will also get a free mot at the chest clinic. Let us know how you get on wont you?:hugs:

21-01-10, 00:25
Thanks Smudger... :)
I just get so frustrated & upset sometimes, I feel like I'm losing it. I always usually snap out of it & feel okay again for a few hours but it's getting such a drag. This morning I woke up & just wanted to go straight back to sleep...cos I'd thought about how I was going to get through another day like THIS! :weep: But of course, I couldn't go back to sleep because my pounding heart was taking care of that...*sigh*

I know the doctor knows best but I find it so hard to trust him...& Google even less lol.
It shouldn't take long for the chest clinic appointment to come through, it's just a case of coping until then...
I'll get that bl**dy mold off my ceiling tomorrow, it'll give me something to do...lol

I will of course let you all know how I get on...
thank you :hugs:

21-01-10, 02:21
Hi sal
A warm welcome to nmp it's a great site:D

21-01-10, 08:53
Hi Sal,

Definitely read Claire Weekes as Veronica suggests. Clearly it is hard to make sense of what's hapening to you at the moment so understanding what and why you're feeling the way you are is a good place to start.

I can sympathise with the pet problems - the declining health of our elderly cat was a definite contributor to my anxiety/panic attacks when they were at their worst and I'm sure it is no co-incidence that I started to feel much better within a few days of having the poor boy put to sleep.

In the meantime you will have periods in the day when you feel better than others. Enjoy those while they last and look forward to having order restored to the rest of your life in time - it will take time but it will happen.


21-01-10, 21:40
Hi Sal. Wow, what more can I say? Reading your story was like reading about my own life. I've suffered for nearly 10 year now, strangly worse now. I'm trying everything I can find to try and cope with my attacks, starting with home help hypnotherapy cd. Trying anything to avoid medication. Feel free to message me if you want to chat further. I know how you feel, but you've made a big step signing up to No More Panic. Good luck, and hope to chat. Keep smiling :)

21-01-10, 21:59
No you certainly arent alone! I have suffered from panic/anxiety attacks but not severely until just before Christmas when I went to the doctor.
But my daughter has in the past suffered real bad just like you! She is a lot better now.
Her worse attack was when she was 21 and going to Spain for the first time and flying. She was so terrified of the flight that she drank to much on the plane. When she got there she became ill, was sick and dehydrating and panicking badly.
She ended up in a Spanish hospital which scared her more. They put the heart electrodes on her as well. Eventuially an English speaking doctor realised it was panic and prescribed her some calming medication. She said she then felt 'normal' at last and enjoyed her second holiday week.

She later had hypnotherapy for anxiety attacks which also helped her. She is 47 now and still gets them but rarely and she does have anti depression ..I think like prozac...for emergencies if they do strike. But her life is in a very good place at the moment, happily married with two sons.

So take heart, it CAN get better for everyone but we have to help ourselves as well as having maybe some medical help

22-01-10, 14:25
Hi sarah i know exactly how you feel about the symptoms and also the constant fear of dying thinking that if i go to sleep i won't wake up again or my kids finding me dead.Its such a horrible feeling isn't it and i know what you mean about the bath cause theres been times ive had to get out if i feel funny and then constantly checking my pulse.wish there was a magic cure to get better but just need to hang on in there.xxxx

05-02-10, 15:43
Hiya Sal

I'm new here too and after reading your story I feel heartache for you, I'm pretty much going throught the same thing at the moment. Please don't despair though. I'm off work at the moment as feeling dizzy, sick, breathless. i have never been off work in my life. My anxiety kicked off again after having flu/ chest infection and fainted. Scared the heck out of me.
I had all the ecg's 8 in fact and bloods and holter all came back (perfectly normal although fast heart rate)
Someone mentioned claire weeked books. They are a really good read, she explains why we get the palpitations or constantly fast pulse. The more we are afraid of it the more it carries on. Typical anxiety huh just one big cycle.
If you ever want to chat I'm pretty much always on here now lol. Im 25 not much older than you. We should be out enjoying life :hugs:not worrying all the time.

Keep smiling babe x

Han xx

05-02-10, 15:52
It all starts in the Adrenal glands. The adrenal glands not surprisingly secrete adrenaline - which stimulates the heart rate and the breathing rate. It also secretes noradrenaline , which helps maintain constant blood pressure, which may contribute to why we feel a bit dizzy whilst it finds a balance. The adrenals also release Cortisol, this affects the release of glucose from the liver to give us the energy to flee and why you feel so exhausted at the end of an attack and it is so vital to replace nutrients.

Hi, just saw this on here and thought I would paste it, kind of explains why we feel the way we do:wacko:

06-02-10, 17:13
snippety snip...

I hope you won't judge me too harshly or think I'm crazy, I'm really not

Wow! I just looked in the virtual mirror!

I say that because my story is quite familiar. I had a panic attack for no reason one day, and was taken to A&E in an ambulance because I had phoned 999 saying I was having a heart attack... :blush:

Since then, you name it, I think about it! I've had blood tests over blood tests, heart monitors, more blood tests, more heart monitors, palpitations that anyone would be proud of, aches in my neck, arms, stomach that I've self diagnosed as cancer, tumours, etc etc.

And then I read your story and it was like, "hang on, if someone else is feeling like this, then surely what I am feeling is me making it up, because no-one can feel the same as I do, can they?"

So at that point, I smiled. And although I half expect this won't be an end to how I feel, I'm not alone anymore. Nor are you.

But whilst the feeling will perhaps go on, it does show that it's not real (although it sure does feel that way). For someone to get the exact same symptoms (even down to feeling your pulse and Googling for disaster!) shows it just has to be something manufactured by anxiety.

Your hospital 'appointment' triggered your journey of discovery I expect, as did mine, but since then, I have learnt so much about this condition that I almost look forward to an episode of anxiety so I have an excuse to deal with it. I love my meditation, my 15 - 20 minutes of me time, where I just drift off somewhere. It's my treat! Of course, I treat myself when I'm not feeling anxious too, which is nice.

So, you aren't mad, no-one is going to treat your harshly, and you are quite normal!

You are a breath of fresh air for me I can tell you!