View Full Version : All mixed up and panicky after doctors...

20-01-10, 16:44
I have been suffering with pain in/between my shoulder blades and in my chest for what feels a lifetime and no amount of osteopaths, pain killers, massages etc seem to help.

My HA brain has got me convinced I have lung cancer (Stupidly I'm a smoker) and so I went to the doctors today to comfront my fears.

I saw a trainee GP and she spent a long time asking me questions, examining my shoulders and listening to my chest etc. She referred me for a chest x-ray just to put my mind at rest. Just back from the hospital and now have to wait for 7-10 days for the result.

One thing that has got me feeling all stupid is this...I am overweight and so I am on a diet, I have lost nearly 2 stone so far and was really pleased with my progress. HOWEVER! I am now convinced that I am only losing weight because I have lung cancer. How do you know if you are losing weight because of the diet or something more nasty? I am so tempted to stop dieting to see if I stop losing weight, but I know for my health that I shouldn't - Anyone else like this?

Grrrr...health anxiety sucks

20-01-10, 16:52
I get the exact same symptoms, really painful in my chest and goes through to my shoulder blades. I have been diagnosed as having acid reflux so am on Omeprazole but still get the pain.

I'm thinking I need my gallbladder testing as the most common symptom of gallstones is pain in the chest and shoulder blades especially if you have a high fat diet or eat spicy food.

Try eating a really bland diet for a couple of weeks (as in low fat, no spice etc) and see if you get pains or not. I would definately ask your Dr for a HIDA scan to check your gallbladder function. I'm going to do the same with my Dr when I next go back

20-01-10, 16:57
I know it's not my gallbladder as I haven't got one!! Had mine removed a few years ago as I had gallstones. I totally agree with you though I was getting really bad indigestion, pains in chest etc and my GP thought I had excess acid and gave me Omeprazole too, but they didn't help. Definitely get it checked out.

Just don't know what my pains are, everyone is telling me it's muscular, but I don't think they are (and I know better than doctors don't I???!!!!)

20-01-10, 17:03
Oh right sorry, didn't know about the Gallbladder.

If it's muscular the pain would hurt more when you move and not so much when sat still. I know with me when I get the pains they hurt if I'm still or moving, hurts a lot just to breathe. I get the pains only now and again and I try not to eat anything to dodgy.

Have you tried Omeprazole again recently since having the gallbladder to see if they work now? I know GERD can cause the chest and shoulder blade pain symptoms. Also try searching in google H Pylori (can cause a lot of pain) , another thing I want ruling out as Dr's don't seem to be able to give me a proper dignosis.