View Full Version : caffeine withdrawal????

20-01-10, 20:17
Hi everyone,

I am just wondering if anyone as had a similar reaction to me. I've been suffering from anxiety for about 8 months now and last week I decided to cut out caffeine as I read it can make anxiety worse. I stopped on Fri and my goodness did I feel terrible all weekend! I felt really jittery and my anxiety came back with a vengence and only just started to calm down yesterday. I am sure it must be caffeine withdrawal....has anyone else experienced this?


20-01-10, 20:23

I try and drink caffine free everything now. Coffee,coca cola etc.
Over the christmas period that all went to pot was drinking bacardi and coke at parties etc with the proper coca cola.
Once xmas was over i went back on my normal caafine free coke and coffee and for the first week i felt awful, anxiety came back till i got it out of my system. Definatley caffine that caused it as its happened before. I even get palpitations while in bed when im taking the caffine.!:mad:
Hope you feel better soon.


20-01-10, 20:27
Absolutely YES I HAVE. Coffee (n proper strong coffee) is my favourite bad habit. Ive tried numerous times to give it up but the headaches and shakes were so bad I gave in after a few days. Cold turkey isnt good on this one, better to do it gradually methinks but I'm an all or nothing kinda gal I'm afraid...my own worst enemy!' I will try again coz I really want to.Please let us know if you succeed ansd tell us how!Thanks.:)

20-01-10, 20:31
Thanks for your replies! It's eased my mind. I couldn't believe it, because my anxiety had really been under control and then as soon as I stopped the caffeine I felt so bad I thought I had gone back to square one again and felt like I did when I first became ill!

Louise xx

20-01-10, 21:09
Hiya yes this caffeine thing.... oh what a nightmare. I started having palpatations before christmas and new yrs eve it was all night. I have changed to caffeine free tea and cola. Although my anxiety is through the roof at the moment but the palpatations have relaxed a bit. Hope youre ok. x

21-01-10, 00:57
Thanks - yes it is a nightmare - had an awful panic attack tonight completely out of the blue...feel awful, felt like I was going crazy.... horrid :(

24-01-10, 10:41
Hi everyone,

Well it's been just over a week since I stopped caffeine, and I really think it has been worth it. The withdrawal was terrible, but yesterday and this morning I really feel a difference, feel much more level and better. I hope it continues!!

Just thought I would let you all know.

Louise xxx

19-05-10, 16:17
ive stopped caffine for 3 days,had massive headache for 2 of them days.today i was feeling fantastic.then had a normal cuppa tea instead of decaf at my nans,and omg the poanick attack i had was awful.do u think it was coz of caffine in the tea as ive had no caffine 3 days now .........Please tell me it was caffine and notthat iam going backwards again. xxx

21-05-10, 15:44
Very likely Karen,

I was caffeine intolerant for years before it became involved with me developing panic attacks.

Now I have to avoid it completely or face the consequences.

Once you give it up your body may well become even more sensitive to it than it was before and if you try to cheat it will bite you in the bum.

That may be what has happened to you.