View Full Version : Anybody have this? Getting Panicky!

20-01-10, 20:30
Sometimes when I wake up, my hands are "asleep." Lately, I've noticed that it doesn't take much for them (and my feet) to fall asleep even when I'm awake. No, I am not sleeping on my hands. Usually, they are down by my sides on laying on my torso.

Today, my foot fell asleep and I had a hard time getting the circulation back. When it finally came back, I still had the pins and needles feeling for a long time.

My left arm feels weak and my hand has that pins and needles feeling in it. My right foot is also feeling this way. I think there's something wrong with my circulation and I'm fighting not to Google!

20-01-10, 20:46
Please don't google!! I get this too. I am constantly checking my skin color to see if I am turning blue on my hands or feet. I don't know what causes it but I can tell you that I have had this for years. My hands and feet get really cold too. I have had HA for so long I think maybe my nervous system is just overwhelmed. As for your hands and feet if they aren't turning blue and you don't have a history of circulation problems, i wouldn't be worried. As always, if a trip to the Dr would make you feel better, then by all means go, just don't google. Good Luck

20-01-10, 21:00
Thank you j2. I have an appointment tomorrow. I'll just add this to the list of things I have to tell her! It's so annoying, and of course I am imagining the worst.

BTW, I'm having computer problems, so if I disappear, I'm not ignoring anyone!

20-01-10, 21:06
Hi Corrine,

Since my anxiety started I have noticed this happening to me, it can wake me up at night. It can happen even if I am reading or something it is scary cause my HA makes me flip over it sometimes. I sometimes get the feeling that these things have always been around but it's only now that my anxiety is here that I actually notice them! I guess it wouldn't hurt to mention it to your Doc just for peace of mind.


20-01-10, 21:58
Thank you, Jim. If's funny that you mentioned about wondering if these strange things that happen to those of us with HA have been around but we never noticed. I was just thinking of that same thing last night. I was sitting and looking at my fingertips wondering if they were swollen. I couldn't Google because my computer was down. I think God was trying to tell me something!

If my doctor tells me anything of importance tomorrow, I'll post it!

21-01-10, 00:57
Good luck tomorrow. I will be thinking of you.

21-01-10, 02:57
Thank you, j2. That made me feel good!