View Full Version : Beware very long post :(

20-01-10, 22:04
Hi all, me again :blush: I dont know whats going on with me at the moment i just cant seem to get a grip on things. I have had anxiety for years but it has never stopped me doing things and made me depressed. When i had post natel depression when my son was 6 weeks old (he is nearly 9yrs now) I had it for nerly 2 years and although i have never felt "right" since i have been able to smile, laugh feel a happy warm feeling inside or and excitment about something but what ever it is i have now i feel......nothing!

I cant see a day coming along any time soon when i will genuinely feel happy. I know its sounds like im moping and feeling sorry for myself but im not, i just wanna get up and not feel fear, anxiety, anger (although i suppose i should be glad i feel something coz some days i get up and feel mothing) I think what as got me thinking like this is my friend is having a meeting tonight about possibley opening her own beauty shop, my other friend is in a good job they both have good social lives and heres me toscared to get a job in case i feel ill or my eyes start playing up.

So is this is for me? I hardle see any of my friends coz i dont wanna hear them talk about there lives as i cant relate to it because im stuck in this illness or anxiety or depression. I dont even know what it is!

I feel like im going crazy, im not sleeping properly. This cant be anxiety surely? Ive had it all my life and never felt this way. I have got more worrried about my health the last year because i had eye problems, they said it was optic disk drusan and it would not cause the snowy vison like thing that i have but i stupidly went and googled it adn read nothing but horror storys.....a few months later i had a really bad kidney infection and was in agony, i was white as a ghoast being sick everywhere. It really scared me and i thought i was gonna die. Then about 2 moths ago my son had an ashama attack took him hospital and they said was only a minor one and they would give him one nebulizer then he could go home. About 20mins after he had finsihed it he wanted to go a toilet so i took him and then he was standing there about to go a wee when he said, "mum mum im blind, i cant see" then he collapsed, i called the nurse and she thinks he fgainted because he had not eaten that morning. Id never been so scared in my life:scared15:

So i think maybe those few things may have just tipped my anxiety over the edge maybe? I gave up work in nov 08 due to being stressed, working to many hours and family problems.

So not what? is this my life...waking up everyday praying i will be around to bring my son up so he wont be left on his own, yet at the same time wishing i did not wake up tomorrow because i know what its going to be like....the same as today, absolute hell.

Thankyou for listening to me ramlble on and sorry its such a long post, could not stop once i had started.

20-01-10, 22:20
hi carli

sorry to hear your feeling so low, can i say you dont sound like your feeling sorry for yourself at all, you sound like someone who is feeling really low and struggling at the moment, i can relate to so many of your feelings as my health has deteriorated the last year and had impacted so much on my life and i have felt so worthless. Having a child must give you the strength to keep going everyday, i so wish i had a child of my own. Take each day as it comes, just survive through each one and do every little thing you can to make yourself feel better, i know its so hard when other peoples lives around you seem to be going so well, it often makes us feel worse, but try to admire yourself that your still standing and a great mum despite having to face all your emotional and physical problems which these people do not have to live with

take care sal x

20-01-10, 22:22
Thanks sal. xx