View Full Version : Shock/coping with bad news..

22-12-05, 17:34
This afternoon I had some very bad news. My daughter in law who has been in remission from lymphoma for a year had a bone marrow biopsy yesterday and the results today were worse than we could have expected. The cancer is back quite badly. They are taking her in on Weds for chemo, 2 rounds and then, if her sister is a perfect match, for a bone marrow transplant. It is a very severe lymphoma and her chances of survival are slim.

I have been holding it together over the last year just about, suffering panic attacks, bouts of depression and general anxiety but I just don't know where I am going to get the resources to deal with this. So far, since my son told me this afternoon (in tears) I have held it together. I talked to him as he drove home from north to south london so he didn't wreck the car. Then I unpacked my food shopping which I had done at lunchtime thankfully. Then a friend came round and we walked round to my mum's and told her and let her cry and made sure she was ok. She's 84 and has some breathing difficulties so I am a bit worried about her.

Now I am home alone in Brighton, 50 miles from my son. I feel so so awful, disassociated, chest pains, dizzy etc etc.

I can't believe this is happening, they are such a fantastic couple. She got sick just after they got engaged and organised their wedding last year (she found out in one day - on my son's birthday last May).

She was amazing - so positive and went through 6 months of chemo, lost her hair etc but against all the odds she survived (they only gave her a 15% chance of survival then). So they have had a 'borrowed' year in which they got married, went to Jamaica, saw the pyramids, my son qualified, she trained as a life coach - working specifically with young women who self-harm, made a beautiful home. They are both so loved and cherished by so many people, they have both been teachers, my son is also an actor/poet, putting out positivity to everyone.

I just can't bear to see them go through this again. I can't see how we will get through xmas. I keep looking at all the people stressing about buying pressies, cooking food - it all seems mad and yet that is how I have been feeling.

I feel so desperately alone and frightened. I don't feel like my heart can take the pain. I have bad palps and my stomach is all over the place. I know I need to eat but cant. Its one of my best friend's 50th birthday and I am going to try and get over there at least to give her her card and pressie.

I know no-one can help but any positive ideas for things I can do to get through this - or just positive vibes would be gratefully accepted.

It's helping just to ramble on a bit. I'm feeling so lucky to have friends at the moment - another friend is coming round to make me eat (she just phoned!) and take me to the do. But my heart keeps flip flopping all over the place. I have taken rescue remedy - is there anything else I can do????

Love to all of you xxxxxxxxxxx


22-12-05, 18:21
Sorry to hera it was bad news. I knew the signs weren't looking hopeful.

You could try talking to Bacup . They are a great resource and are there for everyone.

If her sister is a match her chances of survival and even recovery increases dramatically.

Go see your friend, then if you need to you can just howl the night out. You can let it all out, the grief, the worry, the unfairness of it all and how utterly crap and miserable it all is right now.

Get a pillow, punch it and really express how it is. It will help you cope through the next weeks

We are here for you..


Meg xx

22-12-05, 18:23
Hi Fee, just to say thinking about you, you will find that inner strength from somewhere to stay strong to support your son,and i am sending lots of positive vibes and hugs, take care.xxxxxxxx

love from Alexisxx

If I help one person today it was worth getting up.

22-12-05, 18:27
Hi Fee,

I was saddened to read your post, and like you say anything we write isnt going to make it better, just try to stay positive and focused and be there for your son and daughter-in-law as much as you can be.

It sounds as if you have some wonderful friends, so allow them to help and support you along the way, as you will need that, so that you in turn can support your son.

I am sure everyone will be sending you and your family as many positive vibes as you need, and hoping and praying for a positive outcome.

Take care
Trac XXX

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

22-12-05, 18:27
Hi Fee

So sorry the news wasn't good.

We are here for you.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

22-12-05, 18:33
Hi Fee,

Just wanted to say that I will be thinking of you and your family.

Sending you positive vibes and a big (((((( HUG ))))))


22-12-05, 20:06
Oh Fee - I am sorry love, I had really hoped for better news for you all.

I think hold on to the hope that her sister is a match for now and just take each day as it comes.

Have a good howl as it may help release some of that hurt and pain which will help with the anxiety symptoms you are feeling.

Thinking about you all.

Love Piglet xx

22-12-05, 22:45
Hi Fee,
I have just seen this post, must have missed it somehow earlier. I am so so sorry to hear about Sarah, I really hoped for good news.
I can't say much to make you feel better but I am here if you need to talk anytime.
Thinking of you, look after yourself.
Love Lisa x x