View Full Version : don't think I can cope at moment

20-01-10, 23:55
I feel my HA is getting the better of me, I have things that are worrying me. And a great deal of stress at home and family issues. It's all getting to much. There's no were I can relax no more. And even when I can my mind gets the better of me and fills it with all kinds of worry. part of me doesnt care anymore if I have a serious illness what will be will be. another part of me just wants to escape from it all for about a month. I really don't know what to do. on a big downer :weep:

20-01-10, 23:59
Aww have a really big hug!!! Hope theres someone to give you one of those right now. Am really sorry you have a few things going on at the moment. Try and get some rest tonight (I know easier said than done not to think) and things might seem a tad brighter in morning. I just try and think that all bad times ive had before have passed, and so you need to hang on to that this one will too.
Maybe plan a treat for yourself to aim for, could be anything like a trip out to theatre, cinema or even something as simple as watching a fav film in bed with a bar of choc (or your fav food) x

21-01-10, 00:06
thank's louise. I havent got many friends to take trips out. alot of them went when I kept making excuses why I couldnt go out because of my anxiety. I cant sleep at night normally get to sleep about 4-5 in morning. this is due to my worries and partly due to the middle of the night being the only time I can properly relax when everyone else has gone to bed. It sounds really stupid but I cant even remember the last time I had a hug :wacko: Thing it was about 5 years ago. and last time I had a holiday was about 10 years ago. it's just been constant worry and stress GRHHH

21-01-10, 00:13
Well the virtual hug from me is an extra big one! I think part of my reason ive focused so much on every symptom recently is due to friends moving away, getting married etc, meaning my life is alot less full of things to do at the moment. Im looking into new hobbies and ways to meet people, so manybe you could join something that interests you like a sports club etc, or you could try making first move and asking friends you still talk to if they want to do something (Ive met up again recently with people hadnt spoken to in ages).
But the treat can be kind of anything, doesnt have to involve anyone else, just something you want to do, even just making time to start a book you've always wanted to read or taking a warm bath with a glass of wine (though that might be a girly thing...). Just anything that destresses you a little :-) (Have an extra long lie at the weekend and catch up on your sleep).

21-01-10, 00:23
I am lost for words thats hard for me. I just feel numb, since november I have been finally getting to sleep thinking tomorrow is a new day. then everyday its a new headache sore throat sore eye etc. its been going on for to long now. I havent got enough confidence to make new friends wouldnt know now to. Or to join any social clubs. I feel am just stuck in a rut just me vs my mind. its taking alot of me to say all of this normally I just hide it all away. I don't know what to do. but I thank you again for trying to cheer me up.

21-01-10, 00:30
Sorry I know it can be hard to go out and make new friends fron scratch, so if your not ready for that at the moment Id just focus on maybe making time for you right now and stuff you like doing and see if its any distraction for you hun. Or maybe you could try a form of counselling, it might at least let you talk about all of your problems and give you ways to feel better perhaps. Alot of people in my office at work have had counselling, one girl because she split up with her boyfriend of 2 yrs and just couldnt think how to move on, which made her feel crap about everything in her life, and it made her much more positive and able to face things, so it might help (I think there are different types of counselling and I believe you can be referred on the NHS, tho dont quote me on that, but I think she was). Sorry not being more help, try and get a good nights sleep if you can x