View Full Version : plz hope can cope everyday with these pains

anx mum
21-01-10, 12:53
Just dont know what 2 do anymore:weep:in constant pain apart from when i get some sleep. Wake up with pains in both knees in agony when i walk downstairs, hurts when i kneel, hurts to get up aswell as that got pain in left calf sharp pain. At my wits end where do i go from here

21-01-10, 13:01
Hey sweetie, im not sure what else to suggest that i havnt said on your other posts, just be really strong until your appointment next week and take the painkillers that the doctor perscribed, i see that you have had a MRI and a Ultrasound on your leg already which came back clear, this is a really good sign, i guess if everything is clear with the bone specialist it could be down to tension, from reading your posts its easy to see you are in a high state of anxiety and stress, this alone can causes these problems, i think its a really good idea and try what another member suggested and have some massages, it cant hurt xx

anx mum
21-01-10, 13:22
thanks meg just sick of it now got specialist a week today. Just had an ultra sound on leg in alot of pain affecting my life cant cope anymore.

21-01-10, 13:31
Was the MRI for something else then hun? i think that everything shows up on a MRI but im not sure? im sure that someone else can confirm this?

How is the belles pausy now? are you getting any better with that?

Want to just give you a big hug sounds like your having it all at once :( :hugs: xx

anx mum
21-01-10, 13:37
ur right there thanx meg bells palsey is better now i got this just sick of bein ill. The mri was for my head was getting bad heads. Think im gonna change my docs again where i am now there students who r still training. like a walk in clinic