View Full Version : Bad times :(

21-01-10, 13:39
Hi there,

For the last few years I have suffered with anxiety and panic attacks. I was put on 10mg of citalapram yrs ago and suffered so badly with side effects that I have never been able to bring myself to up the dosage when the doctor has suggested it ( I realise that 10mg is probs not helping at all). Im not sure why but my anxiety has come back with a vengence, it seems to come in waves ok for an hour, feel anxious for an hour so on so forth...I keep having a reacurring thought that its all going to get to much for me and I will commit suicide, the thought that I will do that really scares the hell out of me, and then I spend all my time worrying that I will do it...If the thought of doing it scares me so much, surely that means I dont and wont do it? god its freaking me out. Has anyone else felt like this or have any advice ?

Becks x

21-01-10, 13:55
yes i get the same thing many of us who suffer with this are the same your not alone, you can have a great day followed by a very bad day

21-01-10, 15:29
Hi there,

It seems as if your message is me speaking, because that is exactly what I am going through at the moment. It's really awful and it has just come back with a vengence for me too. The only thing I feel really helps me is to try to keep busy to stop myself thinking too much.. Sorry you are going through this.

Louise xx

21-01-10, 15:49
Arghh its an absolute nightmare, I just hope that it settles, if you ever feel like chatting louise, please feel free x