View Full Version : Describing symptoms so hard

21-01-10, 14:03
Do you find it hard to describe your symptoms?

Yesterday was a very bad day for the horrid heart palps...I had not slept hardly because of them. I find them quite hard to describe.

This left me with gross anx and it got worse and worse. I was trying to describe the feeling, sort of in my stomach, by heart and right down to my intestines or bowel. It felt so strange and I struggle to describe it.

Do any of you have a problem with trying to describe how you feel?

21-01-10, 23:35
i know what you mean it feels awful...gross feeling

21-01-10, 23:43
yes it's very hard to explain how we feel... even last week I had to go to see a nurse and tryin to explain how I was feeling was horrible, i felt so silly... but she was lovely and seem to undestand what i was tryin to say....I think trin to explain makes me more strees out...:ohmy:

22-01-10, 02:43
I find that what other people's suggestions as to what your symptoms may feel like can influence what you say......I get a feeling in my 'heart' that I started off describing as a cold pressure and by the time I'd finished a conversation with my dad it was 'fluttering', which I'd never ever experienced.....symptoms are hard enough to describe as they are, nevermind with other people piling their ideas on top.

22-01-10, 11:58
I find it very hard to describe my symptoms to people who dont understand anything about anxiety