View Full Version : Oral health obsession possibly started with grief

21-01-10, 15:23
:noangel:Hello to you all and upe you all haveing a good day today. My first post here. Just thought I would say hello! I think I have to admit I have a problem. I am not sure when this started. Basically obssessing with oral cancer. My grandfather had throat cancer (survived it), My other Grandfather died of cancer and recently someone dear ( a friends Father) passed away with cancer. I am an outgoing young woman in her 30s who is very strong and outgoing - and my friends have little idea of that anxiety inside. I thought I had got over it bt last night started running tongue aroun floor of mouth and one side felt more lumpy and swollen then the other. Then gently felt with my finger tips and one side ever so slightly larger then the other. Anyway its those two lines of muscle and ducts that are on the floor of the mouth under the tongue. No ulcer or weird patch and yet I managed ot have a majoy panic attack that took about 3 hours to come down from. But of course this is just the latest. I have geographic tongue and with it all kinds of weird mouth symptons. A summer of ulcers (that have receded thank goodness), swollen tonsils and a feeling of plugged of cattah form back of nose down throat. I spent all winter examining back of tongue for unusal lumps and bumps. I saw an ENT who assure dme all was well but suspected allergies. So now this week I am freaking out over floor of mouth under tongue. I dreamt my Mum had oral cancer. Nice. Its just weird isnt it? By day professional, outgoing and pretty normal. Inside...all this worry which is getting obessive. I dont know wether its grief or anxiety. Anyway I had to share this and say thank you for a great site.


21-01-10, 15:49

See just about all my other posts. You aren't alone with this at all. I feel better that I am not alone either too.

You know the bit you were on about at the floor of the mouth ? I have a very painfil white ulcer there just now on the left one.

I also have a huge red patch on the left hand side of my tongue. It was not there before.

I don't have throat or tonsil problems. It's just my mouth. Constantly.

I don't know what it is either but I am a bit relieved it's not just me who has this issue now.

21-01-10, 21:35
Hi - you and me both. I know just what you mean about those two lumpy ridges under the tongue, on the floor of your mouth. Periodically I worry one is bigger than the other too. In fact, there are so, so many mouth weirdnesses to be noticed if you try. Currently I am worrying that one tonsil is larger than the other (is it a tonsil at all, even..... or is it cancer??)...... And also I have a tiny smooth pale-pinkish tear shaped lump in my mouth at the back (early cancer?). It's funny, because mouth cancer is actually pretty rare (especially in younger female non-smokers). My dentist told me he has seen only three new cases of mouth cancer in 20 years of practice (you may have guessed I often ask him about my 'cancers'). And yet, on this site people worry about mouth and throat cancer almost more than any other. Weird, huh? Maybe it's because once you start looking there's so many odd things going on in the mouth....
Anyway, I am sure you are fine! xxx