View Full Version : Help...really im a panic

21-01-10, 18:49
Hi all, me again sorry. I keep getting food stuck in my cheast and hae just took some gaviscon for it and then i read the label and it said side effects can very rarely breathing difficultys!!!! now i feel like i can not breathe even though i have had it before! how do i know if i cant breathe or its my anxiety? Please help.

21-01-10, 18:54
It sounds like you've panicked when reading the label!! This will be an extremely rare side effect of Gavison because you can buy it even in supermarkets and if it was dangerous it would only be sold in pharmacies. Try and relax and take some slow breaths.

21-01-10, 18:56
Thanks myra...i seem to be be gwtting worse with this anxiety thing. :weep: I have had gaviscon a few times before and never freaked like this.

21-01-10, 18:59
You just sound super anxious at the moment - we've all been there!! And the breathing thing with anxiety is really unpleasant, I've had it many times. Don't worry, it will pass.

21-01-10, 19:06
Hiya Carli,

my husband and I have been using gaviscon at least once daily for as long as I can remember hun, I also have asthma and have never had breathing probs, and never ever heard of anyone having breathing probs from taking it. Its Horrible horrible when we get anxious over something...But please believe that you will be fine, its just the nasty anxiety making you feel like your having problems breathing. Try breathing in through your nose and slowly exhale. you will be mighty fine ...sending big hugs your way x

21-01-10, 19:13
Thanks girls....my anxiety started of with the breathing thing but as soon as i read that as a possible side effect thats it....straight away the breathing thing comes on!! Arrrraggh...its a nightmare i hate living like this. Cant understand why it has got so bad as i have always had a not so easy life? Maybe one day we will wake up and it will be gone? :winks: Feeling a little better now...exceprt for some chest pains :ohmy:

21-01-10, 20:17
It sounds similar to something that happened to me carli. In the early days when it was just the occasional panic attack that I suffered with, the doc prescribed some proponal (spelling grr) I took it and read that it shouldnt be prescribed to astmatics so I spent the next 24 hrs in a real state convinced that I had trouble breathing, which eventually spiralled into me having a mahoooosive panick attack which totally avoided the object of why I took the proponal in the first place lol....god I would do anything to go back to the days when my brain mostly thought logical thoughts :( x

21-01-10, 21:03
lol...i know beckssss. I have calmed down now thank god,lol. I am really bad lately, i just cant seem to get to grips with myself. If something panics me i can mormally pull myself togerther but the last few months im totally rubbish :blush:

21-01-10, 21:35
I know what your saying hun, this past week has been awful for me, I think I will be off to the doc tomorrow, although I know he will just increase my meds and im terrified of an increase incase I get the horrible side effects...arghhhh its all swings and round a bouts :( x

24-03-10, 20:42
Thanks for your help hun xxxxx

24-03-10, 21:41
Hi Carli, alright, now listen - gaviscon is really really safe. It is even safe for pregnant women to practically drink (I know I did this most nights whilst pregnant, just glugged from the bottle !lol) and, as someone said above, anything you buy from a supermarket shelf really can't do alot wrong. Exceptionally rare cases could mean 1 case in millions of users, but the manufacturers are legally obliged to stick that information on the bottle. Anyhow, you've used it before with no problems ! You really are hyper anxious at the moment, so I think any little twitch or slight fear, that you can usually rationalise, is setting off major panic. Honestly, believe me, you will be fine, it won't be causing your breathing concerns, but you know what is....:winks:

25-03-10, 19:04
Thanks hun, i take this most days now. Im so daft aint i,lol. xxxx

25-03-10, 20:24
Its probably just anxiety, the same thing happened to me when I took these really strong painkillers. I always read the labels of meds before I take them so I already was anxious about side effects, then I convinced myself I couldn't breathe and spent ages trying to catch my breath, but it was anxiety. I'm sure you will eb fine don't worry :)