View Full Version : Really bad today ! feel so dizzy and think im gonna collapse - sorry !!!

21-01-10, 20:31
i'm so sorry , this is the only place that seems to be able to give me relief from my anxiety .

i've had a really bad night last night which has continued into the day - as i was drifting off into sleep last night i was getting really bad stomach pains and i could feel the aderenaline rushing round my body , it made it impossible for me to relax and the pressure in my head was unbearable , after tossing and turning for a good 2 hours i finally dozed off , as a result i've been in and out of sleep all day . everytime i've tried to wake up and get my day started i've had terrible dizziness and that horrible 'vibrations' in some of my limbs so i've kept going back to sleep instead to get relief , ive been properly up and awake since 4pm but this dizziness is driving me nuts.

it's not so much a faint feeling - i have fainted in the past before i had anxiety due to really bad period pains and this 'dizziness' doesn't feel like that - it feels more like i'm just going to collapse ! like my eyes are glazing over :weep:

i've not eaten since yesterday afternoon so i'm trying my best to shove this bowl of pasta down me now to build some energy up , but i'm so scared and nervous ! i get no relief from this 'feeling of impending doom'

i do understand it's just anxiety , but that doesn't help me to relax because the feeling is always there !

i can't help but feel that i must be seriously ill ! i HAVE to be . :weep:

21-01-10, 20:38
When you say 'vibrations' do you mean like a tingly feeling like when your foot falls asleep? I used to have that too and it was from hyperventilating. It can cause that and lightheadedness. Are you breathing weird at the moment? If so try not to take any deep breathes and breathe slowly. It may feel like you need more air but really you're getting to much oxygen. This is just from my experience so don't think I am a doctor or something I might be wrong. The stomach pains might be from not eating, go drink a glass of milk or something.

21-01-10, 20:59
it's literally like my arm / leg / chest whatever part of the body it is is vibrating !!!
not like pins and needles , like literally vibrating ! it's so weird ! :weep:
the only other way i can describe it , is almost like a tremble , but coming from inside !
i'm not really sure if i'm breathing weird , i have become more aware of my breathing lately and sometimes feel like i'm struggling for a breath , like my throat is closing up or something ? :weep: i just find it absolutely impossible to relax unless my brain is COMPLETELY distracted !

21-01-10, 21:13
Oh my bad I thought you meant pins and needles. Yeah I know what you mean by struggling to breathe it's very annoying. Just wait it out is my best advice, try and distract yourself, I know how hard that can be, just put on a movie and force yourself to watch it or something. That's what I usually do.

21-01-10, 21:54
I sometimes get the vibrating feeling and the light headedness and i also think i'm going to collapse i just think it's pure panic from the dizziness x

21-01-10, 22:08
Hi again Andromeda.

So sorry you had such a rotten night.We have all been there and God don't you feel awful the next day? The vibrations are very common in my experience. A friend of mine calls them 'mini internal earthquakes.' and she gets them a lot but mainly when she has been trying to get to sleep or following a bad night.

None of these symptoms in life threatening I can assure you regardless of how horrendous they feel at the time. I'm not in any way trying to make light of what your are going through. Heaven knows, I have been there often myself. I just want you to hold onto this FACT. The feelings you are feeling now can do you no harm and you will come through this.

You are on this site and there are an army of us here ready and happy to support you. I only wish there had been anything at all like this when I was first having panic attacks at a young age. I thought I was going mad and convinced myself that noone in the world could possibly be experiencing all these weird feelings and still be alive!

You are not alone. You are feeling shaky, your limbs are vibrating, your head is spinning, your heart may pound, you may find it hard to shovel in the bloody pasta coz your poor stomach is going through a bad time..but you are definitely not in any danger of collapse or death. It doesn't feel like it but honestly...You are safe.

Here for you


21-01-10, 22:41
i was just getting ready to attempt to go out with my friends , my friend came down to my room , and i just felt really off .
my eyes went funny and my head just felt so whoozy :weep:

i had to tell her i couldn't go out , and she had to watch me sit myself in a corner and shake and cry until i had calmed down , i really can't take much more of this !

why do i feel like i'm constantly about to die or collapse ? surely there must be some truth behind it if i get it constantly and so intensley !:weep:

i really don't know what to do anymore

22-01-10, 02:19
hiya honey i am new here
but omg i can soooo relate to your pain :(
i have been suffering from general anxiety disorder for 2 whole years now after having a history of panic attacks as a little girl these seem to have snowballed into this condition and it has honestly ruined my quality of life,
i just woke up one day and struggling to breathe my head was spinning i felt giddy and just couldnt shake that feeling that i was going to die :(
ive had every test going almost
an oxygen saturation test that was 98% the doc reckoned this was pretty damn good
then ive had scans on my kidneys blood tests water tests cervical smears ...
the list is endless
but nothin showed up thank god!!!
so obviously all my symptoms are down to anxiety
its so depressing im always struggling to get my breath , have no energy it drains me just to walk down the street
i cant even do simple things like going to the hairdressers anymore :(
things i loved doing now scare me its awful
so just to say i know how u feel huni
ally x