View Full Version : On average how many times a month do people go to the dr?

21-01-10, 21:07
I was just wondering how many times a month people visit the dr? The reason i ask is because i go about 5-7 times a month:blush: i know this is exsessive but i really have issues that i need to see the dr about (although i never actually come out with anything) and do feel better when i come out. I know people that have not been to the dr in years and they really should see the dr at times,lol.

21-01-10, 21:17
1-2 a year before I started having panic attacks 2 months ago. Since then I've gone twice, thinking I had a problem with my heart. I know what you mean saying you feel better after the doctor says you have nothing. It calmed me down a bit, although the second time I went I kind of already knew it was nothing I just needed reassurance. 5-7 times a month is a LOT though. Give me an example, what were the last 5 visits about? You say you really have issues to see them about?

Cell block H fan
21-01-10, 21:24
I last went in august 2008. I am petrified of the doctors. BUT I was at the doctors atleast once a week, usually more, going back when I was in my 20's (i'm 39 now) I haven't got such a good doctor now & if anything they scare me these days. Almost like I feel if I go to the doctors it must mean there is something really bad wrong? I am even putting off going for a pap test thats due. I will go soon though, thats only the nurse.
The last time I went to the doc was because of changing doctors, introduction mot thing & because my son has lumps behind his ear/under chin/on his adams apple x

21-01-10, 21:28
hi there, well the last 5 times have been 1-was having stomach aches(colon cancer) turned to be ibs

2-brown patch on my skin (skin cancer) tirned out to be a skin tag

3-numbness in arms legs and face with a crawling sensation, have been refered to a neuro and am waiting for an appointment :( (im convinced i have ms at the mo)

4-food keeps sticking in my chest when i after i eat (stomah cancer) turns out to be acid reflux

5-bleeding after intercourse (cervical cancer) turns out to be erosions on cervix

Thery have been in the last month. I think its since i got a kidney infection and my son got ill and collapssed, and i have slowly been turning into a wreck!!!!

Although i have to say, i only get anxious when i get symptoms?

22-01-10, 00:18
Before I had health anxiety/panic attacks I hadn't been to a doctor in about 10 years! Now, well it depends... in the last month, just once. But when I started having panic attacks it was 2-3 times a week.

22-01-10, 01:12
i used to go to the docs at least once a week if not twice, now it's calmed down but i still have symptoms (twitching), now it;s swapped round and the doctor wants to see me once every two weeks!

22-01-10, 08:13
generally once a month - the most was 4 times in 5 days; but that was a very bad week :blush:

22-01-10, 09:15
i never go terrified of the docs. I have been for genuine reasons like lump in my boob ( cyst) and a mole that was itchy but hardly ever for reassuance as i think the doc will agree & i will find out something bad if going on x

22-01-10, 09:34
I have had anxiety for 2 years and within that time i have been to the doctors about 12 times, before i had anxiety i can only remember going to the doctors once, wow! once in 21 years! :huh: xx

22-01-10, 15:57
I go about once a month... always convinced there is something serious wrong. Carli - I read your post and laughed. I too have been convinced that I have had both stomach cancer and colon cancer, which turned out to be IBS. I've also thought I had leukemia and / or lymphoma, which turned out to be the effects of the swine flu vaccine. And thats in the last month. A few years ago, I thought I had a brain tumor, which turned out to be visual migraine!

22-01-10, 16:46
I've been once in the last 12 months and that was only something related to a repeat prescription. Probably been a handful of times in the last decade, and that was for legitimate medical reasons. There are a couple of things I ought to be going about, but nowadays I don't like to visit anywhere medical of see anybody medical unless I can really help it. I used to be quite the opposite about 20 years ago and went much more often for health concerns.

22-01-10, 19:30
I go about once a year for a physical/check up, but this past year I went to the ER 3 times, the ENT 2 times, my GP 4 times, and then to balance doctors for 7 months.

Although, all of the ER visits were prior to me having an MRI and finding out what was actually wrong with me. So yeah...I feel dumb going to the ER, especially since with insurance at some point you'll pay out of pocket.

22-01-10, 20:18
lol, my dr knows me by name now and i have only been registered with him for a month. Im convinced i have ms for the simple fact that i had the crawling sensation and week ness sensation before i went google crazy. So i had the symptom before the knowledge! :-(