View Full Version : Plz can some1 reply to me....i need to talk to someone asap!!!

21-01-10, 23:30
I'm sooo scared, i can't sleep, my hands are all sweaty, i feel dizzy and think i am going to collapse any minute.
On and off all day i've had a pain in the back of my head, its getting worse i feel dizzy, and i just know its something bad.
I'm on my own with my 3 little children, i dont know what to do??

I can only think it must be a brain haemorrhage, or something terrible...i kept feeling my pulse but i dont know if its ok or not.

21-01-10, 23:37
Okay Ali your getting yourself into a state... You need to remember your abdominal breathing... Have something to eat with carbs, it will help the dizzy... Have you eaten anything? Remember it is just a panic.... I know its hard with health anxiety but really if you can keep telling yourself it is JUST anxiety, nothing is REALLY wrong with you (say it over and over again) you may start to feel better...xx

21-01-10, 23:38
Don't panic Ali. It could be something as simple as migraine or a bad tension headache - don't assume the worst. It's very unlikey to be something serious.

If you carry on feeling like you do ring NHS Direct or ring your GP in the morning - in the meantime take some paracetamol to help with the pain.

Don't worry - you'll be fine.

21-01-10, 23:40
Its just a pain that lasts a minute but comes and goes, leaves my head feeling slightly bruised where the pain has been?? Does anyone know what this could be?

I've tried eating, but now i feel sick too...

Thanks for your replies...i am trying to calm down and think realistically.

21-01-10, 23:41
take some paracetomol then get out a pen and some paper and write a story for your kiddies, it can be one you already know like 3 lil pigs or one you make up as you go along, make it really detailed,make sure you give the story your full concentration if your concentration wanders make a concious effort to bring it back to the story... you will find this distraction works ..... xx

21-01-10, 23:42
Sounds like migraine. Is your vision affected?

21-01-10, 23:46
No its not, the pain comes at the back of my head on that bone. My mum thinks it could be muscle or nerve pain, or possibly a tooth but i dont see how it could be...

21-01-10, 23:56
Ali - I've had pain coming and going like that. Its due to tension. Are your shoulders feeling tight or even achey?

22-01-10, 00:02
Yeah if i touch my shoulders they feel very achy and tight, hurt if i press them too hard. Also other parts of my head feel a bit tingly.

22-01-10, 00:05
Ok hun - its just tension. Your muscles are that tight in your shoulders that theyre sore when you press them. Mine are exactly the same. Thats also why youre getting the head pains. xxx