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View Full Version : Fainting

21-01-10, 23:42
I was reading some of the articles on the side bar and it says

A panic attack cannot cause heart failure or a heart attack.
A panic attack cannot cause you to stop breathing.
A panic attack cannot cause you to faint.
A panic attack cannot cause you to "go crazy."
A panic attack cannot cause you to lose control of yourself.

I am wondering if it is really impossible to faint from a panic attack? I have never fainted before, but I have definitely felt like I was going to.

22-01-10, 00:22
Apparently it's very very unlikely to faint from a panic attack. Because your body is gearing up to fight or to run (fight or fight), but people can faint, caused by overbreathing (Hyperventilating) But as I said it's very rare.

22-01-10, 01:05
Yeah as ella jayne said , it IS technically possible , but very unlikely as when you are in a state of panic , your blood pressure is raised , and when people faint it's due to a decrease in blood pressure !

i'm sure i read somewhere though (on here i think !) that panic and anxiety is like a repetitive reaction , and if you didn't faint in your first panic attack then you won't faint when having any subsequent attacks as your body has already established a pattern !

19-03-10, 20:27
when i feel slighly dizzy or go muscle ache i get worried that i will faint.

hate that feeling.