View Full Version : Very worried

22-01-10, 02:16
Rare for something to make me cry like this, but I've been getting a sort of...hiccup feeling in my chest like a cough, but no cough comes out.....I'm scaring myself to death and I tried to ask my mum for help but she just told me it was nothing and told me off for waking her up. I want to go to the doctors but she probably won't take me because I went just recently and before that to A & E.....I'm scared there'll be the one time she doesn't believe me and that'll be it.
I have a cough at the minute, but the feeling is scaring me a lot. Thank God for my sister being here or I'd be worse.

22-01-10, 02:41
sorry to hear you're having a tough time neuro , try to relax and stay calm !
this 'hiccup' feeling , can you explain it a little more ?

and have you eaten today ?? XX :hugs:

22-01-10, 02:46
It's a bit like the feeling you get before you cough....like a kind of bubble rising in my chest. I've eaten today and not too long ago (cake and salad :wacko:) so it's probably not that....but I do get a weird feeling in my 'heart' if I don't eat.

22-01-10, 03:10
hmmm it sounds to me like trapped gas , or it could be indigestion !
i know it's easier said than done but i really wouldn't worry about it ! if it was something more sinister you wouldn't be able to spend time worrying about it .
you're probably very tense and on edge which i'm sure will add to the feeling in your chest ! it's added pressure and tension !
just try your best to relax , take nice deep breaths and do your best to focus on something else . try not to think about the sensation in your chest as when you give it attention , it makes you more aware of the feeling and can ultimately make it more intense !


22-01-10, 03:17
Thank you for the advice.....I've decided to put it out of my head for now but try and get in at the doctor's as soon as possible just in case I have what my brother had that made him cough for a month.