View Full Version : confusing,

22-01-10, 08:27
OK Im not sure if this is in the right place? The thing is, when I was at school I used to get bullied and I had a lot of problems at home. I had a teacher from the age of 12-17 and I used to go and sit in her classroom speaking to her for hours because I felt safe there, I used to stay on after school. She used to really make me feel safe and that she cared about me. I went back to see her the other day, as no contact outside of school at all, and all those feelings came rushing back. When walking out I felt awful as I wasn't sure if I'll ever see her again. ObviouslyI do want to but I don't know how. She's providing a reference for me, so can I write and say thanks once I hear about the job - do you think she would get the letter if I sent it into the school? She used to go to my Uni as well, and stayed in the same halls as me - which is very reassuring, makes me feel a lot more comfortable. The only problem is that in my head I wish I'd never met her as then I wouldn't know what it feels like to miss her.. Any advice on what I can do? Im not sure if this is really anxiety or just me being stupid, but I had to vent somewhere.

22-01-10, 08:45
Well this teacher sounds like a wonderful, caring, supportive person. She gave you attention when you really needed it. Even although you will no longer see her the memory of how she made you feel will never leave you. Try to always take comfort in that. Yes, you can write and thank her when you hear about the job. She should get the letter at school without any problems I would imagine. You can say in the letter just how much support you received from her and that you'll never forget her because of it. School is a part of your life that is over now. Try to live for the future, and you've got all your life in front of you. Put the bullying behind you and move on. Good luck with the job!

22-01-10, 09:16
Great advice there Myra.

Good luck with the job Daisy.