View Full Version : Very painful arm 4 days after blood test?

22-01-10, 09:41
Hello everyone,

I had an arterial blood test on Monday (Its now Friday night here) and my arm is so very sore and tender. Do you think this is normal? I am trying not to panic but I thought it would be ok by now.

They did take two goes to get it, and there is bruising on another part of my arm adjacent to the sore spot (the sore spot is right under the puncture mark on my arm).

I don't know whether this is normal or not, and too scared to google!

Thank you,

22-01-10, 11:03
Yeah i think this is quite common, generally i am fine after blood tests but on several occassions i have experienced this pain that can last up to four or five days. I think its possibly due to the person who took your blood and how gentle they were. I would try not to worry if i were you. Try not to use your arm (or use it as little as possible), do no sleep laying on this arm (if you can help it) and most importantly do not prod n poke this arm, just try and ignore it!! Take care and try not to worry honey!!! :hugs:

22-01-10, 11:53
Thank you so much - I am so worried because it is so sore.

22-01-10, 12:13
Hello Sam,

It's amazing how different doctors/nurses can be at taking blood. Some doctors struggle and others make it completely painless. Some of them just have the right technique! Because they had a couple of tries at your arm it's left it sore and bruised. It'll calm down in a day or two.

22-01-10, 17:58
Last year I had my blood taken about 6 times, for a variety of tests. I generally don't really feel the needle going in but sometimes I do when they take it. Once it was so bad it felt like they were ripping my veins out! Needless to say I felt that for several days afterwards.

I was also on a drip in Germany last year, and didn't understand the instructions the nurse gave me as they took it out. Some blood must have leaked into the surrounding tissue, and I was left with a massive bruise that lasted for about a month.

23-01-10, 21:53
just to add to these comments ... taking blood from an artery is much more difficult and will remain painfull for longer! This is because arteries are deeper in the skin and are more muscly and therefore harder to get a needle into. I'm sure your pain, thought awful, is normal :)

24-01-10, 12:24
Thanks everyone. Still in a lot of pain :(

24-01-10, 18:02
Hi there

I had arterial blood gases done and my arm was VERY sore for about 10 days afterwards. Apparently it can be quite hard to get the artery first time and in seeking to hit the spot it is not uncommon for a nerve to be hit.

This will heal in time but in the mean time try not to worry aout it :flowers:

Hope it feels better soon. A

24-01-10, 20:46
my bruising/soreness took two weeks to go away!
