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22-01-10, 11:52
I know theres many different reasons why people suffer from HA.

But here is my own advice and thoughts I am going to try and follow.

Firstly The quote "There's nothing to fear but fear itself. Because if you can over come that you can do anything." Spring's to mind.

You know we weren't born to worry, am sure you have all heard the story that if you throw a baby into water it will swim on it's own. That's because it has no fear, it doesnt know the dangers of water, therefore has nothing to worry about.

It's only when we have a bad experience with something that it changes are perspective of that situation next time.

My mum said to me once, the only thing I suffer from is a over-active imagination. And I think she is right.

Think of how many time's you have thought there's something seriously wrong with you, And you have spent yours day's and nights worrying about it. Then think of how many time's you were right to worry and something was wrong?

Start writing down every time you are worried about your health, what symptom's you have. How it makes you feel, And the outcome of it. was it something to worry about? Then next time you have the same symptoms you can look back and remember you were worrying for no reason.

Also give yourself a no worry day. Try your hardest every week to have a day where no matter what your aliments are you put them to the back of your mind. I mean one day not worrying won't change anything. what are the chances of that one day you suddenly having something seriously wrong. make that day to spend with loved one's. Then hopefully after time you will start feeling better and realise that you can go a day without worrying and nothing happen's. Then maybe you can push it to two day's etc.

Everybody has different stuff going on with there bodies all the time. But remember our bodies are amazing thing's. and mostly are bodies will heal themselves. With no problem's at all.

I hope these word's help some of you.

22-01-10, 12:29
Hello Lonewolf,

Thanks for the post, i agree with you and something you said really struck a cord with me

"Think of how many time's you have thought there's something seriously wrong with you, And you have spent yours day's and nights worrying about it. Then think of how many time's you were right to worry and something was wrong? "

I did start writing my health worrys down, tried to look at them objectively and it helped, i have actually stopped because this time i though something is wrong i know it and writing it down doesnt help! im not having such a bad day today and i can see some perspective, there have been times where i handled things brilliantly and others i have completely consumed myself in the fear.

I know that i soon as this fear ends something else will creep up, i know it and that in itself should be enough proof for me that its all in my mind and i over exaggerate my feelings and thoughts.

I feel like the fear paralysis me, i try to think things through logically but the fear makes it hazy and its a dam hard struggle to pull through it xx

22-01-10, 13:06
My brother was talking to a friend a couple of weeks ago on msn. this friend was telling my brother that he didnt feel well and stuff. Then suddenly he stopped replying to my brother. The next day the friend's, girlfriend rang my brother and said his friend fell ill and was taken to hospital. He was in there for 2 week's they done every single test under the sun on him. from heart problems to meningitis. they all came back clear. my brothers friend was 100% healthy and it was all Psychosomatic. and it was all mind over matter. Now if we can change are thought's from omg there's something wrong with me am dying. too omg my body is working fine and its healing it's. Things will be alot better. Our minds can be are bestfriend and worst enemy at times.

22-01-10, 13:14
I dont think its wise that you posted on a health anxiety forum that you knew someone who had a cardiac arrest purely from worrying, people die from cardiac arrests, anxiety is a illness, with anxiety once the floodgates open its hard for your cognitive brain to kick in, there are tools that can help, but most of us didnt develop anxiety for no reason, it can take a long time of bad events to trigger it, and reversing that effect will also take a long time.

Just be more careful what you post in future because some people reading this will now be in a high state of panic because you said someone your brother knew nearly died just because they was a worrier.

P.S Sorry if that seemed a little harsh, your initial post was very helpful and i appreciate you sharing it, i didnt mean to make you feel bad if i did, i am just aware of the sensitive nature of alot of posters, your posts have aways been helpful and caring take care :) xx

22-01-10, 13:55
Although I didn't think what I put was wrong and had nothing to be careful about. as I didn't say that happened simply cos of worrying. they didnt know why that happened. The point was that people CAN worry themselfs sick, and through the stress and strain of HA. He was worrying something was seriously wrong because of what happened. Not that he was worrying so that happened. You miss-read it. And every time someone writes a post in this forum. for example "I have a sore throat I think I have cancer." It's going to put a seed in someone else's brain that next time they have a sore throat they could have cancer too. So its no different from that.

I have suffered with it for many years, and know how people can read into stuff. therefore I edited it abit. But still useful.

22-01-10, 14:14
Hello :)

I read your post very carefully and that was my interpretation, i suffer from health anxiety and that was my first initial thought, to aknowledge slightly that it could possibly make someone panic was just a thought:huh:, there have been posts in the past very similar to yours which have caused people to panic, if you wasn't implying that your friend had a cardiac arrest purely from worrying why mention it if it didnt have any relevance?

I am really sorry if my post caused you offence, that wasnt my attention, i was just expressing that people here can be very sensitive, if no one else thought it then i will have a word with myself.

Like i said before, your posts show alot of care and compassion and i do find them useful and hope i will be able to give you some good advice in the future , i do hope you dont feel defensive and we have no hard feelings :) xxx

You edited your post after my reply :S thanks now i look like a tool

22-01-10, 14:32
I know, I put that I edited it lol. Wasn't take make you look bad. Just wanted to take the strong words out of it if you see what I mean. and it did have relevance, as it was that which made him worry that there was something seriously wrong. Just like many people on the forum which worry about stuff that has happened that its something serious. People can be sensitive yes, But like I said if they are sensitive they can read ANY post in this HA forum and think that they have that illness too. I have done it in the past and am sure many more have.

22-01-10, 14:40
Okies Lonewolf :) Your right about how you can pick things from posts, some people posts symptoms and say oo do i have this illness, and i hadnt even heard of it until i saw the post and it gets me thinking :huh:.

I must have read your post wrong, before you edited your post i had the impression that he was a bad worrier before the cardiac arrest not after, im all confused now as i thought i read it carefully, if that was the case then i am sincerely sorry :blush:.

Have a great day :hugs: xx

22-01-10, 14:48
Maybe I wrote it wrongly the first time, that it give that impression sorry. and thanks for pointing it out :D. hope you have a good day too.