View Full Version : Contast pains in left calf and knees

anx mum
22-01-10, 14:31
Im in so much pain with my left calf:weep: painkillers arent even helping it. This is affecting my life as i finding it hard 2 take my son 2 school. Feel so frustrated just want 2 b well. Also the problem with my knees is still there hurts 2 kneel walk down stairs. Changed my doc so hopefully will get some sort of idea whats going on?

22-01-10, 15:11
I wish I had an answer for you but I can tell you that I get pain in my calves too. Good luck.

22-01-10, 15:21
Have you had a blood test for antibodies that could tell if its arthritis ? What pain killers are you taking ? Not all pain killers work the same way ,thats why im asking ... Sue x

22-01-10, 15:24
I also wish I had an answer for you. What does strike me though is that although you are taking meds they seem to be doing nothing for you. Have you asked the doctor about a change in medication? Anxiety can make physical pain seem much worse and maybe this is what's happening with you? I think if they had any doubt about your legs you'd have been kept in as an inpatient in hospital until they found the problem. I said in another post that I think this has a lot to do with the death of your mum and how she died, and it is perfectly understandable. I think you need to talk to someone about your mum more than you do abut the leg pain.

22-01-10, 15:53
You may find Amytriptyline could help with the pain ..This is often perscribed for pain relief as well as depression,You do need to go and discuss these symptoms with your Dr again..This is causing you more anxiety ..Its very true what Myra has said ,worrying about symptoms ,does make pain worse ...As all you think about is pain ..the more you think the worse it feels ..When did you last have an increase in your medication and what are you taking ? If you are tense because of anxiety ,the body causes muscles tendons and ligaments to contract and go into spasms ...this can cause a knock on effect with the surrounding areas and affect the nerves ...its what is classed as psychosymatic .. Sue xx

anx mum
22-01-10, 17:42
just been 2 my new doctors cos in so much pain. At first he said a clot than i told him i had a scan and he said he didnt think it was as i have pain in both knees aswell. Hes now perscribed naproxen anyone had this does it work?

22-01-10, 18:45
I was perscribed it ..it does work better than over the counter painkillers .It is a nsaid ,that is perscribed for inflamatory conditions ..Have you tried the heat therapy pad as well ?.If its an inflammation it will help along side the drugs ..I hope they help with your pain .Sue x

22-01-10, 18:49
My dad takes naproxen for arthritis in his shoulders and arms...it works pretty well for him.

Take care and I hope you feel better soon.

anx mum
22-01-10, 19:44
does he what mg does he take? Do they work straight away or have 2 get into system?

22-01-10, 19:51
Ummm...whatever the OTC of Aleve is....200mg in each pill. He takes 1 a day for pain...rarely 2...but you aren't supposed to take more than 2 in a day.

anx mum
22-01-10, 21:27
mine r 500mg only 2 aday.

23-01-10, 14:02
This is from the symptoms page....

Muscles, muscle tension, stiffness, muscle twitching, tight scalp or neck

What you feel:

You feel like your muscles are always tight or strained, sometimes to the point of frequent pain, or even persistent and ongoing pain. Some may also find the pain so restricting and debilitating that it prevents physical activity, and sometimes to the point of becoming bed ridden. It's also common to experience pain or cramps in any of the body's muscles.
A particular joint in your body feels unusually stiff and sore, or hard to move. It may even feel arthritic. Sometimes you feel you may be 'seizing up'.
For no apparent reason, a particular muscle will begin to twitch. This twitching will continue for an unusual amount of time before it stops of its own accord. Sometimes it twitches so long it becomes sore, and may continue on and off for days.
You may feel that your scalp is sore, has shooting pains, or that the back of your neck and head are very tense. Even though there is no apparent reason for this, they continue to.
What causes this:

Stress biology causes muscles to contract (tighten) so that the body is more resilient to an attack. The higher the stress biology, the more tense the muscles will be. Some people experience mild tenseness while others may experience great pain, sometimes to the point of immobility. Others experience uncontrollable muscle twitching. It can be one particular muscle over and over again, or it can be a wide variety of muscles. Sometimes the twitching can last for days.
Regular exercise helps to keep tight muscles relaxed. Some find relief through massage therapy or warm baths.
As with all symptoms, when the nervous system gets sufficient rest, this symptom will diminish and eventually subside.

anx mum
23-01-10, 16:58
Thanks for that jay hope ur right my pain isnt tightness more of a sharp pain in knees and calf doc gave me some stronger painkillers yesterday seemed 2 slighly ease the pain but can only have 2 a day. Got a xray wed on my knee but doc thinks this is a soft tissue problem.

23-01-10, 19:41
Muscles and tendons are soft tissue ..I think you perhaps dont understand what Jay had meant by the info she posted ..I also explained in one of my previous posts about how you could be in so much pain from Anxiety ...The Naproxen is only perscribed as a maximum dose of two per day ,as they have a long life once taken .They are best taken with or after food as they can cause stomach problems on an empty stomach ..As dO ANY ANTI-INFLAMMATORYS ...Have you been using a heat pad as well on your knees ? Heat is very good for relaxing the muscle and surounding tissue and it alleviates the pain .All the best with your xray ..Sue x

anx mum
23-01-10, 20:02
thanks sue i know anxiety causes pain cos had pain before never had pain before this bad. Just rung doc so worried hun said i could as for a di-dimer blood test 2 put my mind a rest and double check