View Full Version : Anyone tried Mindfullness Meditation?

22-01-10, 15:05
My mum read an article on the subject and it stated that this form of meditation can have mass benefits for anxiety. I have read some stuff on it and it does make alot of sense. Anxiety is focussed on bad memories from the past and the worry/panic about the future. Mindfullness Meditation focusses on the present. Anyway, it looks worth reading about, I going to try it as I believe anything is worth a shot!

22-01-10, 15:13
When I was having an echocardiogram recently for ectopics and person who carried it out suggested mindfulness to me. I probably should try it as it can only do you good. And I too think we have to live in the present and not the past. Thanks for reminding me about this. I'm going to make a determined effort to try it:yesyes:

22-01-10, 19:30
Hi Zowie,
Yes I have tried Mindfulness, i found it really helpful.. I have a CD with guided mindfulness on it and listen to it several times a week. it's definately worth a go.
Starlight x

22-01-10, 22:59
Yep-me too.
Mindfulness helps you not to get lost in your thoughts and start ruminating about things and getting yourself in a state.
I bought 'The Mindful Way Through Depression'. It's really good. I'm also doing a Mindfulness group with the CMHT starting next month.

23-01-10, 20:19
Me too

It sounds easy but it takes practice do it every day for as long as it takes to become good at it.

Studied this for three years now.

An excert from the attachment below:-

"Meditation is not easy. It takes time and it takes energy. It also takes grit, determination and discipline. It requires a host of personal qualities which we normally regard as unpleasant and which we like to avoid whenever possible. We can sum it all up in the American word 'gumption'. Meditation takes 'gumption'. It is certainly a great deal easier just to kick back and watch television. So why bother? Why waste all that time and energy when you could be out enjoying yourself? Why bother? Simple. Because you are human. And just because of the simple fact that you are human, you find yourself heir to an inherent unsatisfactoriness in life which simply will not go away. You can suppress it from your awareness for a time. You can distract yourself for hours on end, but it always comes back--usually when you least expect it. All of a sudden, seemingly out of the blue, you sit up, take stock, and realize your actual situation in life."

I have attached (I think) a guide to mindfulness meditation.

Take care
