View Full Version : crawling sensation all over face!

22-01-10, 15:22
hi all, anyone ever get a crawling sensation all over there face? I have been getting it for the last month but just had again really bad for about 20mins and now its just lingering? Is this really anxiety'

22-01-10, 16:08

22-01-10, 18:14
Hi Carli

Was just curious if you get this when its the time of the month?

When my period is due a few days before i always get like a crawing sensation around my head and face, it drives me mad at times. Just like creepy crawleys runing around everywhere!:ohmy: and its always worse at night while in bed.

I did read on the internet that this is caused by a hormone change building up to our periods.

Hope that helps

22-01-10, 18:40
hi im just finishing my period but last time i never. I get it randomly :( so sure its ms :(

magpie girl
22-01-10, 19:04
I had this on and off for months and mine started on my scalp.I was convinced id caught fleas or bugs from someone :ohmy::ohmy:I went to my gp and explained i felt like ants were tap dancing round my head and face,he put it down to the anxiety.I do still get it on and off but its usually a day before my period and lasts a few days

22-01-10, 19:04

Take a look at the "Tag" link at the bottom of this page and click "crawling" there are a few posts anxiety related about this too.


22-01-10, 20:12
thanks guys. I have been in a panic since it happened! Arms and legs have felt week, been crying keep getting a buzzing sensation in my foot! Cant cope with this, these r all the symptoms of ms. I have really had enough. Sorry for going on. X

21-03-10, 14:01
Cant cope with this, these r all the symptoms of ms. I have really had enough. Sorry for going on. X

Carli, there would be other symptoms present if it was MS, not just these weird sensations. It's very likely that it's because of your anxiety.

It really isn't as simple as Dr Google makes out. Don't torture yourself over it - I've had sensations like this on and off now for years. It's very common in anxiety sufferers...

21-03-10, 20:40
Thanks hun, drives me mad. xx

23-03-10, 00:21
I get similar symptoms, like a hot heat crawly feeling over your face.

Whenever I get new symptoms I always think ok if this is serious then why is it that all of the other symptoms I have are just anxiety symptoms? Nothing makes this one any different from them.

Also, the majority of major illnesses similar symptoms are meant to signify, you'd usually only notice them after you've ended up in a hospital bed. And it's pretty safe to say you're up, healthy, walking around and otherwise well, so you can rule it out completely.

Good luck, and don't fear it!

23-03-10, 13:53
Thanks richd. xx

24-03-10, 20:37
Itchy, crawling sensation, I get that often. Last week at the height of my anxiety so far (before seeking medical help) my face, inside my ears, my throat, my nose and scalp were all itching like mad, now its just my scalp.....this illness is so weird and unpredictable. I woke up at 2am this morning and could not get back to sleep and have been so restless and just dizzy all the time, even writing this now I am really dizzy!!

24-03-10, 20:39
Hi acj, sorry your feeling bad at the moment. Its a nightmare isnt it. I get good and bad days and just hope that one day the good will take over the bad. Hope you feel better soon. xx

25-03-10, 15:19
Thanx Carli, this morning I was feeling quite a bit better physically but the dizziness started at midday. But I have been quite down today though. It can only get better tho!! xxx

25-03-10, 19:01
Yeah, i find not thinking about it helps. xxxx

29-12-17, 13:22
I realise this is a very old post but thought I would add that I also get this. Along with many other symptoms that seem to be very similar to ms.
You can't help but wonder do I put all of these symptoms down to anxiety or do I seek tests for something that may be actually doing me halm.
For me, I am seeing a neurologist and if all tests are clear then I will have to put it all down to anxiety although the fear will continue I believe.