View Full Version : does anybody do voluntary work depression, how do you cope?

22-01-10, 15:25
In My CBT meeting yesterday my counsellor asked me if I would like to attend a talk on voluntary work at our local walk in clinic. I expressed concern because I am a very prompt time keeper and pride myself on being dependable. My worry is twofold:-

1.if I wake up feeling depressed, how on earth would I get my backside into gear and what if I make mistakes. Its difficult enough doing the school run at the moment.

The counsellor said because its voluntary they allow fore the fact that this might happen and are glad for any help however small you can give. Not good enough for me!

2. if I volunteer in mental heath for example could this affect my own condition in a bad way?

At some point I had intended on helping at my daughters school but not until the anger/irritation side effect wear off from my medication. Cant go shouting at the kids can I? Eventually I would like to return to part time paid employment. I don't know what to do really. Has anybody else done this please?

22-01-10, 15:31
The words you highlighted included "dependable". So if you knew you were going to a voluntary job, no matter how you feel, you'd make sure you got up and organised! Don't underestimate yourself. Just being in with other people will lift your mind and you'll feel better about yourself. I would go for it. One step at a time.

22-01-10, 16:21
Dear Smudger I'll relate my previous voluntary work experiences to you. After a long period of being 'off sick' I did some voluntary work in a day centre for the elderly. It was a luncheon club and I helped with the laying of the tables serving the meals and washing up. This was very rewarding as we would go and chat with the elderly people too. I gave this up as I wanted more responsiblity. Our local hospice takes on volunteers in all aspects of its work .There was on the job training as well. I worked in the kitchen preparing the food, laying tables and washing up (always important in a voluntary job!) I also worked on the supper shift. As I had training in catering I had to cook and prepare the supper for twelve in patients. I had direct contact with the patients but I was never allowed to go into a room if someone was very ill. The good thing about this job was that I was never put in a situation I couldn't cope with. Both voluntary employers knew about my depression. When I was expecting my son I did some hostessing for them too. I did go in sometimes and just burst into tears but I never let them down. There will be lots of agencies local to you who will be crying out for volunteers. At the hospice they had ironers, receptionists, people who helped with the care of the patients and gardeners all volunteers! Best of luck.

22-01-10, 18:23
Hi There

I did voluntary work when i was recovering and its the best thing i ever did ! It really boosted my confidence and got me prepared for employment. When your voluntary you can decide what best suits you, just start maybe a couple of hours a week and see how you go you have nothing to loose have you?

I was lucky also i got set on with paid work a year later!!:yesyes:

Good luck and treat this as a great opportunity to help in your recovery!


margaret jones
22-01-10, 18:52
Hi I was already doing voluntary work when my anxiety and H A got worse I have found it helped me to get well because when i was there i was mostly focused on what i was doing no time for HA to kick in I did miss afew weeks at the start of my illness but made a hugh effort to get back asap

I now find that it is always my best day if i am feeling down i look forward to my voluntering day
Give it a go what have you to lose ?

PS I to work in a local hospice

22-01-10, 19:55
Thank you everybody thats so encouraging. I'm going to ring my counsellor tomorrow and let her know I'm going to attend the meeting. What have I got to lose? Ive always wanted to help people and make a difference, who knows maybe this could be the first step back to work doing something that helps people rather than making a profit margin look healthy! I'm still scared though!

margaret jones
22-01-10, 21:26
Well done you let us all know how it goes :)

23-01-10, 09:40
i know everyone is different and reacts in different ways but i believe working with mental health patients and elderly residents who are very frail, ill and depressed themselves has contributed to my problems imensely (sp?)
if you're feeling low yourself and put yourself in that sort of environment it can only act negatively on your own mood .. seeing all that pain and suffering and not being able to help them or make a difference to their lives
i have had to start the ball rolling to start looking for a new job, i never realised until i started councelling how down my job as a health care worker was making me

26-01-10, 14:43
mummygarcia, thanks for your response, though I'm feeling so much better myself, I'm inclined to believe I would feel worse around like minded people so I think Ill stay away from mental health

26-01-10, 16:37
hi i suffer anxiety and have suffered dep too, i help out in my kids primary school in reception and year 1, helping the ones that need extra support and its really helped me, but i do get down times too, but because its voluntary, i can pick my hours etc. hugs xx

26-01-10, 21:09
Thanks Donna01. School want an after school sports club with parents running it so 10 parents have volunteered to go on a sports coaching course and see whats involved.I'm one of them..God help them lol! No seriously, I'm looking forward to it really but long term I would like to volunteer to help those less fortunate than myself rather than a job creating healthy profit margins. Done too much of that and ABSOLUTELY NO JOB SATISFACTION for me in that even where I have earned good money myself!

27-01-10, 03:54

If you don't fancy mental health theres always lots of other organisations that need volunteers. Check out http://www.do-it.org.uk/ you can search by postcode.


27-01-10, 09:48
flapjack thanks for that. Ill take a look.:)

27-01-10, 13:54
Let us know how you get on.

Flapjack x

27-01-10, 18:58
Thanks Donna01. School want an after school sports club with parents running it so 10 parents have volunteered to go on a sports coaching course and see whats involved.I'm one of them..God help them lol! No seriously, I'm looking forward to it really but long term I would like to volunteer to help those less fortunate than myself rather than a job creating healthy profit margins. Done too much of that and ABSOLUTELY NO JOB SATISFACTION for me in that even where I have earned good money myself!

hi thats great smudger, i love helping in our school and esp with the kids that need that extra little bit of support, its really worthwhile, hugs to you and hope you enjoy it. xx

27-01-10, 21:15
Thanks Donna