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22-01-10, 16:27
my cat has to be put down tomorrow !

i'm absolutely heartbroken , and now i'm so scared , i WANT to be there for him tomorrow , as i would regret it if i don't say goodbye to him , but i'm so worried about a panic attack / fainting etc .... i don't want to let him down !

has anyone been with a pet when this has happened before ? what is it like ?

i HAVE to do this but i don't know if i have the strength . he was my best friend and i have to say goodbye :weep:

22-01-10, 16:31
I really feel for you. How sad for you. Go with your wee cat. I'm sure you won't faint or panic. I took my parents cat to be put to sleep and it was the most gentlest of procedures. Your wee cat will just peacefully be put to sleep. I'm so sorry and hope you get through tomorrow okay.

22-01-10, 17:13
Very sad news about your cat but I think you've answered your own question. You want to go and be there for the little animal who has been there for you. Try not to worry that the process will be awful to watch. It will be sad for you but painless and very peaceful for your dear pet.

I think you must really try not to avoid things like going out or doing things you really want to do. This is easier said than done I know.It's a huge problem for so many lovely people on here and I empathise with the suffering they go through day after day.

What I would say is if you can get into the habit of not avoiding things it will be a huge help. You have been experiencing these anxiety problems for a relatively short time..although I know if must feel like a lifetime to you. ..But my point is, you can nip this in the bud at this relatively early stage.The more you avoid, the more the problem is compounded. The more you push through the fear, the easier things get with practice.

Wishing you well .

Rozie xx

magpie girl
22-01-10, 17:45
Im so sorry to hear about your cat :weep::weep::weep: Ive gone to the vets a number of times to have my babies put to sleep.I suffer panic and anxiety but i knew i had to be strong for them,i was more worried about my heart breaking.Its as if your coping skills kick in and you know you have to take this last journey with your beloved baby.xxxxxx

22-01-10, 19:11
i really don't think i can do it , i'm so heart broken , i can't bare to think about the fact he's going to leave me tomorrow :weep:
he can't even come home on his last night . my last memory of him will be at the vets , it's really really destroying me inside :weep:

22-01-10, 19:16
You can do it. Be strong for him. I know it's very difficult but this is a time when you need to put your own symptoms aside and put your wee pet out of his suffering. This time tomorrow it'll all be over and he will be at peace and you'll have done the right thing.

22-01-10, 21:59
My brother had his dog put to sleep 2 days ago, he sobbed to me on the phone.
There is nothing that anyone can say to make the pain of greif any easier, only time will do that.
Knowing that you were there to say goodbye and help your little friend move on to the next world will help you. Don't torture yourself by missing it. You will always say'i should have gone'

Anxiety is often worse before the event. You will find the strength and it will make you a better person for it.

Say goodbye to him.

22-01-10, 23:05
Hi, im sorry to hear that, it's always sad when we loose someone we love and been with for a long time. I know it isn't any easy descion to make to have to put a pet to sleep, it seems cruel I know, but it isn't cruel at the end of the day because you are putting them out of their misery and pain and suffering, try to think of it that way. x

My mum had to put our family cat down a few years ago, and although she didnt want to have to do it, it was kinder for him to be put to sleep, my mum was dreading even the thought of it but wanted to be their for him, she somehow found the strength and actually came home and said that she just held him in her arms, and it was just like he was going to sleep, done very very quickly and very gentle. xxx

you wont faint, you'll find the strength from somewhere and even if you do feel very anxious, then im sure they will understand your very upset. It just takes seconds and its all over.

wishing you strength in your time of need. x

karen s
23-01-10, 00:06
I am so sorry for what you are going through. My cat squeeky was laid to rest on the 03/11/09 he was with us for 14 years. My hubby took squeeky to the vets and squeeky cried all the way as i think he knew what was going on x Please go with your cat and enjoy every last moments you have and believe they are always with you x I still cry now as i did'nt say goodbye because i could not go but now i wish i did x He is buried in the back garden and i always talk to him everyday and night xx

23-01-10, 01:07
thank you all for your kind words .

i am going to find the strength to go somewhere deep inside myself , as i know the love i have for him is stronger than the fear from my anxiety problems !

23-01-10, 01:59
sorry to hear abut your cat i dont have any pets but it must be a horrible thing to have to do

23-01-10, 02:02
sorry to hear about the cat i dont have any pets but it must be a horrible thing to have to do

23-01-10, 10:38
i've woken up this morning and i just feel so numb .

i'm completely drained , i feel like a zombie . the vets is in an hour . at the moment my head says i'm going ... i HAVE to say goodbye

23-01-10, 10:50
Hi Andro

My beautiful cat died 2 years ago and i still think about him every day. He wasn't put down, but he died in the vets and i hate that i wasn't there when he died. I spent time in the vets kissing and rubbing him after he died. I would have loved to be holding him while he died, i hate that he was alone.

Whatever you decide, consider going for bereavement councilling, you are losing a beautiful friend.

I know exactly how you feel

Let us know how you got on
Love and Hugs

23-01-10, 11:00
Hi Andro,

I feel so sad for you, my husband took our dog, he held her and stroked her head, she looked up at the window and just fell to sleep. It was her time to go and it was like she knew it. I was heartbroken, but we couldnt have kept her alive because that would have been selfish of us. I still get upset now but we have a rescue dog whos completely bonkers, a pain in the neck but an absolute joy. Hope your OK and remember it takes time but youll always have your memories.
Angela :hugs:

anx mum
23-01-10, 11:05
Ah hun:bighug1:for u. My cat is part of our family and shes 13 dread when the day comes. Know its so hard but if your cat is suffering the best thing 2 do he will b at peace how old is he? xx

23-01-10, 12:46
Thank you all again for your kind words , i've just returned from the vets now ! i said my goodbyes to Gizzmo !
he was 10 years old and the best little cat anyone could have asked for !
we gave him a home when he was rescued as a kitten and we have loved him unconditionally since ! He has had a wonderful life with us and will be greatly missed

I want to thank you for all your encouragement as well and sharing your stories with me , I'm happy i went , i would have deeply regretted it if i didn't give him one last cuddle.

he was so good and brave , he purred when he saw us all ! it broke my heart to say goodbye , a little piece of me has gone today .

it's funny how anxiety works , something inside of me made me push on , even though i felt sick and dizzy and like my legs were going to cave i didn't give it attention , it wasn't important . my cat was the only important thing !

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal ."

RIP Gizzmo XX

23-01-10, 13:22
:hugs:a hug for you, and xxxss for your little kitty,the hardest thing to do, iv been there.xxxxx

23-01-10, 13:23
Hi Andro

My thoughts and love are with you and Gizzmo, I know how special our furry babies are. I'm just looking at my beautiful cat Scottie curled up in his blanket and dread the day i have to say goodbye to him, i love him so much. We had our Cosmo cremated when he died. We planned to spread the ashes in all his favourite places but in the end we couldn't part with them. I hope those around you understand your loss, i haven't been the same since Cosmo died, he was so special. I know the pain you feel, but i really think you did the right thing being with Gizzmo when he died, i'd do anything to have been with my Cosmo.

Love and Hugs

23-01-10, 13:31
You were very brave to do that for your dear Gizzmo .:weep:..He is at the Rainbow Bridge now ,and is no longer in pain .. You may find this site helpful www.petloss.com (http://www.petloss.com). There is a chat room you can go into and speak to others who are feeling as you do ..Sending you a big hug and ,I hope you find comfort in your memories ..Luv Sue :bighug1:xx

anx mum
23-01-10, 13:37
ah hun ur so brave dont think i could of done that really admire u for being with gizzmo. At least now u know he is out of any pain.:hugs:

23-01-10, 14:37
i was okay , but now it's really hit me hard .

he was my little soul mate

i really don't want him to be gone . it hurts more than anything , i wish i had cuddled him more and gave him more attention while he was here so he would know just how much i love him.

i can't believe he is gone :weep:

23-01-10, 15:13
Hi Andro

You've really touched my heart, i've been given my three extra loves all afternoon. There is no doubt Gizzmo knew how much he was loved. Animals have an instinct for these kind of things.

Love and Hugs

23-01-10, 15:25
I bet he knew how much you loved him hun - you even pushed through your fear to be with him at the end. :hugs: xxx

23-01-10, 18:22
thank you all for your support !

the loss and the grief is overwhelming right now , today a part of me died with him , and right now the wound is still very much fresh :weep: i hope soon i will be able to remember all the good things and put away my sadness