View Full Version : New

wilmot simpkin
22-01-10, 13:05
hello i am new on here, I would appreciate any help you can give me, thankyou

22-01-10, 18:19

Welcome to the site

mandie x

22-01-10, 18:22
Welcome - take your pick of sections and the one's that may be best for you. It's a great forum with lots of info and even though we all suffer in one way or other, people are still so willing to help each other

22-01-10, 20:04
hi and a very big :welcome: to you remember your not on your own on this site best regards steve:yesyes:

Veronica H
22-01-10, 21:43
:welcome:Wilmot. This is a friendly site with great support. Do you feel able to share a bit more about your symptoms? This will give others a chance to give appropriate advice.
