View Full Version : Internal Vibration feeling while trying to sleep?

22-01-10, 18:28
I have this sort of internal vibration feeling when I tried to sleep last night, I've had it before but not as bad. It is not constant though it stops for 1 seconds every 5 seconds lets say. The rhythm does not match my heart beat, or my breathing. Does anyone have this? Is it just part of anxiety? Could it be high blood pressure? I was at the doctors yesterday and they took my blood pressure I don't remember what it was, but they didn't say much about it. Can blood pressure go up and down easily (down at doctors, up now)? I am also dizzy 50% of the time, and sometimes headaches and nausea which are the symptoms for high blood pressure. Please respond I am really worried. I should mention I am overweight too.

22-01-10, 20:31
Bump does anyone have this please let me know. I don't know exactly how to explain it but it feels like I am shivering inside and it stops for a second every few seconds. This might sound strange but it feels like I think a cat purring would feel like if that makes sense. If anyone has had anything similar please let me know and describe what you feel to me. Has anyone even heard of this?

22-01-10, 20:41
i get it in my hand, feet and lower back. I have no idea what it is but i would love to know. X

22-01-10, 20:41
ME! ME! If you read my beginning posts, I've talked about it. It started about the beginning of December. This sometimes happens as I'm falling asleep, but mostly when I wake up.

The first time it happened, the inside of my head was vibrating. Then it went to my chest, arms and hands. It happens EVERY time I wake up. The doctor put me on Zoloft, which I couldn't take. Please don't Google. You'll scare yourself.

I am on Synthroid, Zocor and Ativan. The Ativan has kept me calm. I am still vibrating, but I am not as concerned as I was. I was in a complete panic when it first happened. I've had bloodwork done MANY times and and MRI and MRA of my brain.

Next Thursday, I am going for an EMG, which scares the heck out of me. The doctor had ordered a different set of bloodwork, but I'm not to go for that until April. Nothing like three months of additional fear.

PM me anytime you like.

If it gives you any consolation, with all the Googling I did, I did find many forums where people talk about this. MANY people have it and doctors don't seem to be able to figure it out.

Some people found that it was due to being perimenopausal. Are you of that age?

Finally, someone who has the same thing as I do!

22-01-10, 20:48
I was in such a rush to post that I forgot a few things.

To me, it feels like a generator is humming inside my body. If I get up, it goes away. If it awakens me in the middle of the night, I change positions and it either lessens or disappears. I do see a bit of a tremor in my hands during the day, but not to the extent where is it noticable to others. Do you have that?

About the high blood pressure, my doctor asked me if my heart was racing when this happened. It wasn't. Like you, I was concerned about blood pressure. I slept with my BP kit at the side of the bed. When I woke up vibrating, I grabbed the kit and took my BP. It was low and my HB was normal.

22-01-10, 21:20
I am a 16 year old male actually. It is the exact same thing as you descibed, I guess I'll just ignore it for now unless it gets worse. Thanks for the reply! It's nice to know I'm not the only one.

22-01-10, 21:29
Whoops! Sorry! I didn't look at your profile to see if you were male or female!

23-01-10, 01:14
i get this every night while i'm trying to sleep :weep:

23-01-10, 01:20
I have a terrible migraine today. I decided to turn out all the lights and just take a nap. I had to get up because the vibrations as i was trying to sleep made me feel like I was shaking all over. I find that it's better if I sleep on my back.

Usually I can get to sleep with minimal to no vibes. Waking up is the worst. Tonight was different.

24-02-10, 01:00
Hi everyone,

I just started experiencing those internal vibrations. Yesterday, for the first time, I noticed it drastically as I was attempting to go to bed at night. Eventually, they went away. Today, I was pretty tired and wanted to take a nap, and it turns out that those vibrations just wouldn't let me. It got so bad,

It usually starts with this feeling inside of my head (the vibrations and that annoying pounding sensation too)...it then went to my chest and down my whole body. I noticed that if I lay on my sides then they'd get ten times worst, but if I lay on my back, then they kind of less.
Right now, as I'm typing, I can feel it (softly) in my head.
Needless to say, I couldn't take my nap, I got up about five times thinking the earth was shaking or something.

Today is the first day I've noticed them, but I'm sure they've happened before but I didn't think much of it. Anyways, I looked around the web and there doesn't seem to be a diagnosis for it. So I don't know, to anyone else that has it, I would hold off on going to the doctors 'cause they themselves don't know what's going on, so it'd just be a waste of money and unnecessary prescriptions.
I guess, I'll just have to put up with it till they figure something out.

Rachel W
24-02-10, 01:48
I got it in my arms when I woke up for weeks, during an extremely stressful period. I went to a neurologist because I was twitching a lot as well and all my tests were clear, so it is something benign; albeit strange.

Please don't worry about it.


24-02-10, 02:44
Hi, I got this when I started my new medication. It went away after a few weeks. Felt as though I had a bee buzzing in me. Adelle.

24-02-10, 14:54
hi i also get this but i get it in my groin and it does get on my nerves

24-02-10, 16:19
Not sure if tis is the same thing, but it feels more like I am shaking, but inside, not visibly

24-02-10, 20:16
I get this as well. Mostly in my stomach. I get this when I'm trying to fall asleep, and also sometimes when I'm lying in my sofa reading.

Samit Nakarmi
16-10-14, 18:15
Omg! I have this vibration feeling when I'm lying on my bed trying to sleep, when a vehicle hits the road,I feel this vibrating feeling on for hours. Please someone tell me, or mssg me what I should do. :'(

17-10-14, 11:30
I get this, too.

Apparently, it's caused by adrenaline which of course is caused by anxiety. It knocks our bodies off kilter, and puts us into fight or flight mode, but when you have anxiety, your panic radars are all off, and can be off for quite some time before they balance themselves again. It's more bearable now than when it first started, at first it was like a swarm of bees were travelling through my leg, and now, it's just a gentle buzz that I notice every now and then, especially when I'm relaxing.

I think once I've dealt with my anxiety, they'll fade off. And yes, it's common for this to happen even when you're not feeling especially anxious. It's part of the weirdness of anxiety.

29-10-14, 11:25
Sometimes when I'm laying in bed and this happens it feels like a switch turned off in my head and I fall asleep quickly after that. Doesn't mtater hown tired I was

05-03-15, 22:50
I have had this for a number of years which can last for months and disappear then return and it is unbearable to live with.
It is horrendous during the night and can wake me out of my sleep because the vibrations are that intense I grit my teeth.
The feeling is like being plugged into an electrical appliance, it's like my body cannot fall into REM sleep properly.
Doctors just don't understand it, however I have found the cure' trans-dermal "magnesium" spray.
I believe this is related to Magnesium deficiency which causes anxiety, plus I also believe this is related to "restless leg syndrome".
When my vibrations return with vengeance it's time to get out the Magnesium spray which settles within a few days then eventually disappears all together and those good night sleeps return.
You can purchase this online or your local Holland & Barrett for around £12.00 or purchase from other online stores.
It's best to start of with around 10-12 sprays and rub into the skin, spray all over the chest, underarms inner biceps and legs and rub into your skin.
Do not towel dry just use a towel to fan yourself down or use a hairdryer to speed up the drying on your skin to quicken the absorption.
Do not spray on your face as this will dry out the skin, do not spray on the genital area as this will really sting.
It's normal to feel a slight tingling or stinging anyway as this will reduce overtime while building up your Magnesium levels.
Start drinking a lot more water when using Magnesium as this can cause dehydration, please note that Magnesium is very hard to diagnose from a blood test as Magnesium is within the cells of the human body.
I hope this is of help to those who suffer from this horrendous vibration feeling preventing a good night sleep.

---------- Post added at 22:50 ---------- Previous post was at 22:48 ----------

I have had this for a number of years which can last for months and disappear then return and it is unbearable to live with.
It is horrendous during the night and can wake me out of my sleep because the vibrations are that intense I grit my teeth.
The feeling is like being plugged into an electrical appliance, it's like my body cannot fall into REM sleep properly.
Doctors just don't understand it, however I have found the cure' trans-dermal "magnesium" spray.
I believe this is related to Magnesium deficiency which causes anxiety, plus I also believe this is related to "restless leg syndrome".
When my vibrations return with vengeance it's time to get out the Magnesium spray which settles within a few days then eventually disappears all together and those good night sleeps return.
You can purchase this online or your local Holland & Barrett for around £12.00 or purchase from other online stores.
It's best to start of with around 10-12 sprays and rub into the skin, spray all over the chest, underarms inner biceps and legs and rub into your skin.
Do not towel dry just use a towel to fan yourself down or use a hairdryer to speed up the drying on your skin to quicken the absorption.
Do not spray on your face as this will dry out the skin, do not spray on the genital area as this will really sting.
It's normal to feel a slight tingling or stinging anyway as this will reduce overtime while building up your Magnesium levels.
Start drinking a lot more water when using Magnesium as this can cause dehydaration, please note that Magnsium is very hard to diagnose from a blood test as Magnesium is within the cells of the human body.
I hope this is of help to those who suffer from this horrendus vibration feeling preventing a good night sleep.

06-03-15, 14:55
Yes I got that!
For the past few nights in fact. I hadn't had it for a few years.
Last night I also experienced a funny arm and leg thing (swollen and cold feeling in the left side of my body including the face :scared15 ) and I ended up at the doctors as I thought it might be a stroke or heart attack.
The GP did all the tests and an ECG and everything was normal.
They also looked at my past blood tests which were done last October and my thyroid levels etc were normal.

It's not that I lost feeling or strength but it just felt like the left leg, arm, buttock etc was more swollen and heavy than the right, my left hand looked slightly more swollen than my right and so did the foot (and redder too).
Of course by the morning as i wasn't as warm the swelling went right down but the feeling persisted.
When I put my jeans on it felt that someone put a nice pack on my leg.
Same with the buttock when I sat down.
Now the weird feeling has faded a bit but I was wondering if anyone had that before?
I asked the doctor if it could be related to a virus perhaps (two days ago I had flu like symptoms, chills, sneezing, a slight earache and slight sore throat), or even a backache as I have had one for a while, and she said possibly either, or even feeling anxious.

Really really weird.
I might post on here about this actually.

---------- Post added at 14:49 ---------- Previous post was at 14:48 ----------

Sorry correction: an ice pack not a nice pack!!! ��

---------- Post added at 14:52 ---------- Previous post was at 14:49 ----------

Language regarding the Magnesium oil spray, I used to do it too, but I made my own with magnesium salts and some water, you are right it does tingle at first but it makes you sleep SOOO well.
I might try that again.

---------- Post added at 14:55 ---------- Previous post was at 14:52 ----------

Sorry I meant "Langa" not Language. Annoying iPad!

06-03-15, 21:04
I used to get this towards the beginning. This was before my HA started though and I really used to enjoy it!

06-03-15, 21:31
Funny how it always seems to come as we drift off to sleep, it must be something to do with our nerves relaxing. I get muscles twitches just before falling asleep too.

07-03-15, 13:30
Hi I have it also...But not always. The same exact feeling you've mentioned. I think I got it when I am really tired at day. Feels like I had swallowed a vibrator inside me. Really annoying. Sometimes the rhythm same as my heartbeat. Hope this long-list symptoms will truly dissappear. I can't focus on anything. :'C *crying

08-03-15, 00:56
Really strange this thread coming up now as I have just started to get this vibration feeling as I am waking in the mornings. Its like a buzzing feeling in the veins in my arms and legs. It pulses fro 3/5 seconds then stop for 1second them starts again. As soon as I wake completely it goes away..... anyone know what it is?
Could it be blood pulsing through veins/arteries at a slow rate because youth heart rate is slow when you are asleep?


08-03-15, 00:58
I'm thinking y'all need to turn off your phones before you go to bed :D

Positive thoughts

08-03-15, 05:22
I'm thinking y'all need to turn off your phones before you go to bed :D

Positive thoughts

Or something of a more 'adult' nature :winks::D

I've had the buzzing as one of my main anxiety symptoms and its something you notice when you are stationary. You don't have to be anxious to feel it, but it will make it more apparent.

09-03-15, 09:52
Yes haha very funny guys:shades:...................... but I have NO electrical stuff in my bedroom, even my clock is a battery wind-up one. Its not my central heating system (or the neighbours). It really is in my veins/arteries. Its not painful just very weird.


12-03-15, 09:38
Buzzing is often either due to excess adrenaline or misfiring nerves as far as I know although there doesn't always seem to be a consensus on it from some basic searching I've done in the past.

Perhaps its because your blood pressure will be low when you sleep and upon waking, it rises and this causes nerves to fire?

12-03-15, 14:24
Yes terry that is a good explanation. I have a good friend who is a nurse and works with many Drs and she is going to ask them. Its not bothering me or my anxiety its just weird. And the fact that its seems to be pulsating is odd.


13-03-15, 08:29
Let us know then Sarah. There doesn't seem to be any information out there about it other than forums talking about it, including this one on page one of Google!

02-04-15, 00:14
A lot of people believe that this buzzing, or vibrating, is due to your spiritual body attempting to disconnect with your physical one. In other words, astral projection. Of course, not everyone believes in that sort of thing. If you can keep an open mind, I would suggest looking into it. If not, than the more direct answer would be early stages of sleep paralysis. Your body redirects blood flow from the less needed areas, which is why it almost feels like your legs do when you have had them crossed for too long. In other words, you become so relaxed that you trick you body into believing that it is asleep, and/or dreaming. Some people find it really annoying, but I have grown to love it. Once you realize that it isn't harmful, it's not all that bad. If it annoys you, just shake around or get you blood flowing somehow.

03-07-15, 15:16
Im posting this some years after the original post so I don't know if anyone else has offered a solution. I would like to add my experience and advice. After my parathyroid surgery for an over active parathyroid glad that flooded my body with calcium I begin to get the "buzzing" the anxiety and also the coldness that others have mentioned. A previous post suggested Magnesium as a solution. Indeed Magnesium does work, as the body uses it to maintain normal electrical nerve function. A deficiency can cause anxiety. It is also important to note that Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphate, and Vitamin D work in conjunction with each other. You must have a balance of each for proper functioning. For myself I have found that If I eat large amounts of sugar I can also get buzzing. This is due to the bodies use of phosphate and magnesium to digest sugar. Also strenuous activity that taxes that muscles also lowers the levels of phosphate in the body, as the muscles use this for energy.

24-10-15, 06:08
I know this forum is a few years old but I was searching my symptoms and your forum is the closest results to compare to what I'm going through. If anyone on here has received an answer as to the vibrating feeling please let me know. I'm desperate for answers as this has been going on for almost a year.

19-05-17, 03:25
I get this often at night between 1am and 5am in the morning. Somedays it's not as bad. Somedays it's so strong that I cannot sleep.

I also get it sometimes when I am sitting at my desk on the job. It would cause nausea, headache, shortness of breath.

07-10-17, 01:46
This buzzing feeling in my legs is a new symptom for me. I had a stressful visit from my stepdaughter last Monday September 25. She was demanding money and she wouldn't leave. I finally got her out the door but she came back to the door two more times. I was nervous for the rest of last week that she might come back and I kept looking out the window when I heard a noise outside. I found out this Monday that my stepdaughter was arrested and sentenced to 4 years in jail. I felt relieved at first then I felt bad about the way her life has turned out then the buzzing started in my legs. It got better a few times but it hasn't completely gone away and I have had this buzzing for 5 days now. It was a little better yesterday and I just felt it in my feet for today and this evening I felt buzzing all over and now there's strong buzzing in my legs. Has this gone away for any of you that experienced this buzzing?

11-03-18, 20:31
A lot of people believe that this buzzing, or vibrating, is due to your spiritual body attempting to disconnect with your physical one. In other words, astral projection. Of course, not everyone believes in that sort of thing. If you can keep an open mind, I would suggest looking into it. If not, than the more direct answer would be early stages of sleep paralysis. Your body redirects blood flow from the less needed areas, which is why it almost feels like your legs do when you have had them crossed for too long. In other words, you become so relaxed that you trick you body into believing that it is asleep, and/or dreaming. Some people find it really annoying, but I have grown to love it. Once you realize that it isn't harmful, it's not all that bad. If it annoys you, just shake around or get you blood flowing somehow.


I believe this to be the case.

I started studying Gnosis a few months ago, and one of their main aims is for you to get to `know yourself', and astral projection is a big part of this.
Every human is capable of astral projection, but not everyone does it. When you are sleeping and you suddenly `shake' out of a dream, this is you nearly going into the astral plane. I have managed it once, but it scared the hell out of me. I'll keep trying though as I know that the ends justify the means.